Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Roman Catholic Church

There have been debates as to what is the real CHURCH.
The  first Roman Catholic Church was established with Peter as the first pope. Matthew 16:18 says  "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." When Martin Luther rebelled, he formed the Protestanism. Others followed suit with their own agenda.

"Beware of those who start a new church among you. A Roman Catholic Church must have a legally ordained Roman Catholic Bishop, and the Old Catholic Church is not with Rome. It is a schismatic organization, and all who join these interlopers shall gain immediate excommunication by Heaven and through the legal hierarchy of Rome. The Old Catholic Church is schismatic, and is not, and shall not use the name Roman Catholic Church. Later, My child, when you gain your strength, We will extend this message to mankind. For many shall come as angels of light and deceive the elect.

     "I ask you all not to abandon My Church. Do not judge My Church by the priest, for in his human nature he can err. But I assure you I am using him, as a legally ordained priest, to bring you My Body and Blood. Do not go seeking elsewhere, for you will lose your baptismal right, and you will no longer be accepted as a Roman Catholic, and you will not enter into the highest place of Heaven, the Kingdom of Paradise."  - Jesus, October 6, 1980 tldm

image from Roman Catholic church