Sunday, May 22, 2011

Believing in the Existence of Hell

Do you have to be in hell to believe it? THERE IS NO TURNING BACK!

"Your life upon your earth is but a short pilgrimage. Your life eternal is forever. And where shall you be when you pass over the veil? The choice is yours, My children." - Our Lady of the Roses - December 7, 1976 (pass over the veil is when you die?)

"The devil answered: 'Insinuate yourselves by inducing carelessness in them . . . but keep in the background, so that you are not found out . . . by degrees they will become callous, and you will be able to incline them to evil. Tempt these others to ambition, to self-interest, to acquiring wealth without working, whether it be lawful or not. Excite some to sensuality and love of pleasure. Let vice blind them . . . As to the remainder . . . get in through the heart . . . you know the inclinations of their hearts . . . make them love . . .love passionately . . . work thoroughly . . . take no rest . . . have no pity. Let them cram themselves with food! It will make it all the easier for us . . . Let them get on with their banqueting. Love of pleasure is the door through which you will reach them . . .' " (February 3, 1923). hell was shown to sis Faustina w/c she recorded in her diary

“There is blindness much worse than loss of physical sight, the blindness of heart. So many are heading for the flames blindly. Man seeks to destroy the evidence of Hell, but he will learn the truth soon enough. Hell exists and Heaven exists. The sins of the flesh send more souls to hell." - Jesus, October 2, 1970

"These are the Commandments of the Father. Break one and the gates of hell are open to you." - Moses, March 24, 1974

Read more of testimonies of persons who visited hell. go to this link

If this does NOT scare you NOTHING will till you taste HELL for yourself and then its too late.
Sherrie Elijah

Do you want to go to hell? Go to his link