Monday, December 14, 2009

Obet Cabrillas, a former non-believer

You should listen to Obet Cabrillas, UP graduate, and one of the powerful speakers
of Kerygma.
Please read today's daily Bible reflection by Obet:

I WIll NoT…

“‘I will not’… but afterwards he changed his mind and went.” – Matthew 21:29

“I will not” was my consistent answer to the invitation of my best friend. He had been attending these “corny” Charismatic prayer meetings and was resolute to bring me there.
We were ordinary high school students who attended (and cut) classes, had superhero stickers on our notebooks and watched X-rated Betamax tapes. (That’s how old I am.)
Yet, after his frequent attendance to this “addiction,” he became an alien. He didn’t cut class anymore. He placed “Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Amen” stickers on his notebooks. He watched biblical movies on Beta tapes. And worse, he started reading the Bible and singing “Alive, alive” songs! Finally, he convinced me to attend. But not without the magic words: “Obet, they serve merienda after the prayer meeting.” Off I went to the corniest, weirdest and what turned out to be the greatest experience of my entire life. Now I’m almost 20 years in the Lord’s service. Why? Because only fools don’t change their minds. Because God allows U-turns. Because a hardened heart can become a heart so solid as God’s witness. Because repentance literally means “change of mind.” Because now I am an alien, too.
I will not… give up on God! Obet Cabrillas

Don’t give up on people who refuse the Great Invitation. They’ve got what it takes: when they give in, they won’t give up in the service of the God who calls.

Lord, thank You that it’s never too late to change one’s mind. You are a God of second chances and new beginnings.

See him every Friday, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at
SM Manila (Cinema 4), near Manila City Hall
