Saturday, September 10, 2016

Daily Morning Offering Prayer

Photo credit - lds

Morning Offering

(updated Sept 4, 2016)
Special note: Remember to Bless your Home with the Blessed Holy Water, and do the bulk of your prayers during DAYLIGHT hours. And know that you can begin your day by asking your Holy Guardian Angel to lift up ALL your daily prayers, on YOUR behalf, so that you begin to experience the RELIEF, that comes from the tremendous outpouring of Graces from Heaven - that will begin to fill you, as soon as you do so. RATHER, than FOCUSING, on getting all of your PRAYERS done, for the DAY - SIMPLY, rely more on the TRUE Holy Spirit, of the MOMENT - to HELP you, to reach OUT to your Creator - FROM the heart, in a NEW, SPONTANEOUS way.  You SEE, being a MEMBER, of the Faithful REMNANT, is NOT, ALL, about, 'praying EVERY SINGLE prayer', that you have learned, DAILY - for that is "the LETTER of the Law"; the SPIRIT of the Law, that you are called to LIVE by, is 'PRAY, the PRAYERS, that you are CALLED to in the moment'.  Yes, the DAILY ROSARY, IS essential - ALONG with, the LITANY - but do NOT 'allow', your PRAYERS, to become ROUTINE, and 'a BURDEN for you'.  Understand?  Because, your PRAYERS, are ACTUALLY, 'YOU', REACHING out, to your Heavenly Father, for HELP! - and DELIVERANCE; and ALSO, to GIVE Him Thanks, and PRAISE! - for ALL that He has DONE!  WHEN, the DEMONIC CLUSTERS, are AFFLICTING you - and MEMORIES, from the PAST, are POURING IN to your mind - THEN, you need to STOP! - your prayers, and COMMEND, those PEOPLE, to 'the Divine JUSTICE', of the Most HIGH, True GOD.  You NEED to be 'FIGHTING' - MORE!  THIS is 'a SPIRITUAL BATTLE'. ALSO, REJECT their demonic CLUSTERS - and the DEMONIC CLUSTERS, of ALL those, you come in CONTACT with, on a daily BASIS - because if you DON'T, then they build UP, INSIDE you! - just WAITING to MANIFEST. Understand?  TURN! - to your HEAVENLY Mother - for her PROTECTION; and ASK her, to WRAP you, in her MANTLE - and TURN to JESUS - in the MOMENT - as a CHILD; and ASK Him, to DELIVER you!  PRAY your deliverance Prayers - FROM the Heart - WHENEVER you pray, them; and KNOW, that, the TRIBULATION, and DESOLATION, that you EXPERIENCE, from TIME to TIME, WILL PASS! - as all SUFFERING DOES!   So DON'T just "hang IN there" - PERSEVERE! - LIVING, for your Creator; NOT! - for others.  CONTINUE, to BRING, the MESSAGE of SALVATION; BUT, do NOT, put OTHERS "FIRST" - BEFORE, the Most High True God.  Start EACH morning, by REJECTING the Armor of the Enemy; and CLOTHING yourself, in the Armor of the Most High TRUE God.  THEN take a break; have some WATER - or JUICE - perhaps go for a WALK; find a quiet PLACE; and pray, a little bit MORE - perhaps the LITANY, or the Song of the LAMB.  But, YOU are not REQUIRED to 'PACK your PRAYERS', into a few HOURS.  TURN to the True Holy Spirit - for 'what needs to be DONE!'... But you HAVE to WANT, to DO, what the True Holy Spirit is ASKING of you.

Most Holy and adorable Trinity, The Most High True God in 3 Divine Persons, I praise You and Give you thanks, for all the favors You have bestowed upon me.  Your Goodness alone has preserved me until now.  This day I offer and consecrate to You my entire being - in particular all of my thoughts, words, and deeds, together with all the trials, adversities, tribulations and hatred I must undergo this day and night, and every inclination of my heart.  Please give them your Blessing.  May Your Divine Love animate them, and may they serve Your Greater Glory.  Amen. 
Please bestow upon me this day and night, the virtues of patience, trust, love and determination - so that I may follow the True Holy Spirit of the Moment, in each and every moment. Amen. 
I unite and consecrate all the sufferings I must undergo this day and night, along with the sufferings of the outcasts, the destitute and the alone - who are among the Faithful Remnant, to the sufferings of Jesus Christ the Lord - the Most High True God on the Cross, and to the sufferings of The Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross.  Amen.

I consecrate: this day, every moment, every movement, every molecule and every breath, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I consecrate my will, my desires, my feelings, my emotions, my moods, my interior life, my conscience, my personality, my perceptions, my appetites, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I consecrate my attitude, my intellect, my hearing, my sight, my speech, my vocabulary, my conscious, my subconscious, my mental faculties, my spiritual wellbeing, my physical wellbeing, my mental wellbeing, my emotional wellbeing, my intellectual wellbeing, my psychological wellbeing, my sexual wellbeing, my social wellbeing, my reality, my identity, my inclinations, my imaginations, my inspirations, and my perceptions of each member of the Faithful Remnant, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I make this daily offering and consecration in union with the Divine intentions of Jesus Christ the Lord, The Most High True God, who unites His Will daily to the Will of the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Unity of the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God, and in union with Mary and Joseph, His ever-virgin Mother and foster Father, who were always the faithful servants of the Lord, the Most High True God.  Amen.
Morning Offering - Short Form and "Children's Version"

Special Note
Children under 12 should not be asked or expected to pray with a group for more than 10 minutes at a time
  Praying the Rosary, slowly, and from the heart, is the only exception to this rule.

I consecrate this day, every moment, every movement, every molecule and every breath, to the Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God,
Please come into my heart, soul, mind, being and dwelling place. 
Rout 'the enemy' from here
Make Your home here. 
Set up Your Throne here. 
Don't leave me alone here!  (- oh dear!)

Source: testimony of the 2 witnesses

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