Monday, November 1, 2010

The Visit of the Russian President in Kuril Islands

Russian president visits islands over Japanese objections

Yahweh is love , so we have to love Him; but He has His justice. While we have the time, repent. This is the time for repentance. Otherwise,if His hand of justice is here, no amount of pleading for mercy will be heard.

The Lord's Prophecy on Russia

"your sister Russia will honour Me in the very end and one day will be called holy for I shall be her Ruler; once again, integrity will live there .... yes?

"thus you will ravage the Divider and you will repair what had been undone; Russia, your role is to honour Me and glorify Me; the Festivity has yet to come, but it depends from you in which manner that Day will come:
do not let Me make you return to Me by fire,
but with bonds of Peace;"

Let us trust in our Lord, Keep on praying.