Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Man's Destination: Heaven or Hell

When the time of chastisement is here, purgatory will no longer exist. There are only two places as our eternal destination: heaven or hell.

Hear the cries of those in purgatory whose relatvies refuse to pray for them believing that there is no purgatory. or simply have forgotten them, busy in accumulating material wealth on earth.

Messages of our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary on purgatory

"Purgatory is a great sense of loss and suffering of banishment, but eased by the knowledge of an end that will lead to Heaven." - Jesus, August 5, 1976

Veronica - I'm now looking beyond the gates. They're the gates I saw when Our Lady released all those wonderful, happy people. But now as I look beyond the gates I see many people. But they are in a condition I ... it makes me very unhappy to see. They are very illuminous and glowing. They seem to glow an orange color, like they're burning.
And their arms are all raised up, or outwards towards the gate. And now I hear cries. Many voices are crying, "Spare us, O Lord! Quench the fires of thirst within us."
Oh, now I hear a voice. It's a voice of a woman; she's an elderly woman. She's crying, "Virginia, Virginia, why have you forgotten me?...
I see now two who have sort of floated up towards this gate. And they're looking out, and they're asking, "Please. Two Masses for me. There is no one to release me. Please, two Masses for me." Oh! "Robert, Helen, two Masses for me." - February 10, 1974

"The numbers going into purgatory, My child, have become few, and those entering into the Eternal Kingdom of joy are even fewer. Whatever shall become of Our children?" - Our Lady, August 14, 1975

"And where has your charity of heart gone now for your relations and friends passed on into purgatory? Were I to reveal to you how many are now chained by your lack of prayers in purgatory, would you be moved with pity for them if I could show you how they beg and thirst for you to release them?" - Jesus, September 7, 1979

"I also tell you this, My children: On one Saturday of the month, I shall take out of purgatory many souls, if you will save them." - Our Lady, November 1, 1985


"You have but two final destinies: Heaven and hell. Know that satan will try to remove the reality of the existence of his kingdom, hell, from you. If he makes a farce of his existence among you, he will deceive you so that you will sin and remove yourselves from the Spirit of light. And when you remove yourselves from the Spirit of light, you remove yourselves from eternal life in the Kingdom of your Father, the most high God in Heaven." - Our Lady, February 1, 1975

"Your life upon your earth is but a short pilgrimage. Your life eternal is forever. And where shall you be when you pass over the veil? The choice is yours, My children." - Our Lady December 7, 1976

Veronica - Oh, my goodness! I see--oh, it's a stench! The odor is so horrible! I see a huge pit, and it's real burning. The walls are orange and burning hot. Oh! Oh, and I see these horrible creatures; they're clinging to the sides of the rocks. Some have wings on them with horrible--they look almost human, half human, half animal, but they have pointed ears. And they have ... "oh, my God! Please, Blessed Mother, take me out of here!" Oh, my God, they have feet that look like claws and arms with hair, but they also--the fingers have long fingernails; they're like claws. And they have the most horrible grinning expressions on their faces. Now I see, I see bodies of humans falling, falling. As they fall they're starting to glow. They're glowing like an orange color, like coals. And they're screaming, "Help! Mercy! Mercy! Too late! Too late!" Oh! Oh, my God! And I see they're going so fast. I don't know where they're falling from. They seem to be raining, like almost from the sky into this pit. And I see--oh, my God! I see some are priests. Oh! Oh, and I see one, he has oh, my God!-a cardinal's hat on his head. And there are three. Now I can count them, there are three. They have mitres on their heads. Oh, my God! Oh, it's so horrible! The heat is so great, and the stench! I feel like I'm just burning....
Our Lady - "My child, you have viewed the poor souls lost forever into eternity." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974


"Lenin and Stalin are not with Us. They were cast off to meet with their god, the prince of darkness, satan. "It behooves Me to say, and it tears My heart in anguish, that they did not seek to be saved." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992

"My child, you will not hesitate in revealing the knowledge of truth. Teilhard de Chardin is in hell! Your leader, Roosevelt, is in hell! Franklin Roosevelt, My child. His spirit is one of darkness. He enters anew upon earth from the abyss." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975
"Yes, My child, you will feel faint at the knowledge of the existence of hell. Better that mankind has fear of the Eternal Father if he does not have love! For now many are in a void of spirit. They neither know their God, nor do they care to know their God." -Our Lady, March 29, 1975

"Do not fall for the error created by satan through mankind that all will be saved in the end. Many have passed over the veil, never having this opportunity to make amends, and have been sent to the darkest pit of hell." - Jesus, August 14, 1976


Below is a description of heaven

"My children, We have in Heaven beauties beyond all human knowledge. We have in Heaven the ultimate joy and the ultimate expectation of anything man could conceive in his human mind. Are you going to cast this all aside for a few short years upon earth? Is this worth casting aside for? Think, My children, before it is too late. Many of you who hear My words will not be ready. I say, not be ready! Unless you protect yourselves by a constant vigilance of prayer, you will not be ready when you are called unexpectedly. Many shall be removed from the earth very soon, and many will not be ready.

"My child and My children, you cannot, and I shall not burden your minds, with the manner in which Heaven deems it necessary to allow the world to continue.
"You understand, My child and My children, that no one, no one will fall into hell, unless it is of his own free will. I assure you, also, that no one will go to hell unless they lead themselves there, and have preferred the pleasures of this world, your earth, and not counting their blessings on the road to Heaven, but following all the pleasures that lead to damnation in this world, your earth.
"Remember, My children, love is the outstanding word being used in your world today, but so few know the true meaning of love. So few have practiced the true meaning of love, for much of this in your world, My children, is based on self love.

Prayer taught by Jesus through Vassula Ryden

O Holy Father,
by Thy Power and with Thy Mercy,
I implore You, gather all your sheep,
forgive them and let them return to Your Beloved Home,
look upon them as your children
and with Thy Hand bless them, amen"
