Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SAY NO to DIVORCE BILL, Build a Strong Family Foundation

Philippines: Pro-Abortion Groups Funding RH Bill Backers

"Pray constantly your Rosary, your beads of prayer to Heaven. Remain unified in your family lives. The institution of your country--the great foundation is based on family life. Destroy the family and you destroy your country. The enemies--the enemy is already within your country. Watch and pray well, My children." - Our Lady, June 18, 1980 tldm

Divorce will weaken the foundation of society, the family. Reinforce the family, do not succumb to the lures of Satan! He hates us, humans,  because we are the image of GOD.

Guideline for a strong and joyful family, and a strong, united, and prosperous nation:


15:30    A cheerful glance brings joy to the heart, good news invigorates the bones.
16:3      Trust your works to the Lord,and your plans will succeed.
16:8      Better a little with virtue, than a large income with injustice.
16:9      In his mind a man plans his course,but the LORD directs his steps.
16:17    The path of the upright avoids misfortune, he who pays attention to his ways safeguards his life.
16:18     Pride goes before disaster,and a haughty spirit spirit before a fall.
16:24     Pleasing words are a honeycomb,sweet to the taste and healthful to the body.
17:18     Senseless is the man who gives his hand in pledge,who becomes surety for his neighbor.

 17:22  A joyful heart is the health of the body,
           but a depressed spirit dries up the bones,

17:25  A foolish son is vexation to his father,
          and bitter sorrow to her who bore him.

17:27  He who spares his words is truly wise,
          and he who is chary of his speech is a man of intelligence.

18:2  The fool takes no delight in understanding
         but rather in displaying what he thinks.

18:3  With wickedness comes contempt,
         and with disgrace comes scorn.

18:10  The name of the LORD is a strong tower,
           the just man runs to it and is safe.

18:13  He who answers before he hears
           his is the folly and the shame.

A man's spirit sustains him in infirmity-
but a broken spirit who can bear?
18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue;
           those who make it a friend shall eat its fruit.

18:24 Some friends bring ruin on us,
         but a true friend is more loyal than a brother.

19:8  HE who gains knowledge is his best friend;
        he who keeps understanding will be successful.

19:11  It is good sense in a man to be slow in anger,
           and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

19:16 He who keeps the precept keeps his life,
          but the despiser of the word will die.

19:17 He who has compassion on the poor lends to the Lord,
          and He will repay him for his good deed.

19:18  Chastise your son, for in this there is hope;
           but do not desire his death.

19:23 The fear of the Lord is an aid to life;
          one eats and sleeps without being visited by misfortune.

19:27 If a son ceases to hear instruction,
          he wanders from the word of knowledge.

20:3 It is honorable for a man to shun strife,
        while every fool starts a quarrel.
20:7 Then a man walks in integrity and justice,
        happy are his children after him!

21:13 He shuts his ear to the cry of the poor
          will himself also call and not be heard.

21:17 HE who loves pleasure will suffer want;
          he who loves wine and perfume will not be rich.

21:21 He who pursues justice and kindness
          will find life and honor
21:23 HE who guards his mouth and tongue
         keeps himself from trouble.

21:24 Arrogant is the name of the man of overbearing pride
          who acts with effrontery.

21:26 Some are consumed with avarice all day,
          but the just man gives unsparingly.

22;6 Train a boy in the way he should go;
        even when he is old, he will not swerve from it.

22:15  Folly is close to the heart of a child,
          but he rod of discipline will drive it far from him.

22:24-25 Be not friendly with a hotheaded man,
               nor the companion of a wrathful man,
               lest you learn his ways, and get yourself into a snare.
23:14     Beat him with the rod,
              and you will save him from the nether world.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Occupy Wall St

Mama Mary has been warning us about communism which she termed as the octopus. Lets's not be deceived the words modernism and humanism. These are ploys to hook us.

"There is now a plan in the national and international seat of satan . . . . It is a group, My child, that is united with other groups throughout the world. They have one plan in mind: to bring about the fall of all nations and the introduction of communism to all nations, by destroying the young with drugs and all manners of debasity." - Our Lady, June 18, 1987
"And, My children, it does not take much knowledge or a learned being to understand that Heaven alerts you now to the dangers of the onslaught of communism. Satan, being at the controls, will soon have one who is possessed, and of, also, a major rank in the world today, to press that one little technical, technological wizard, not in human form but in mechanical form. Like a robot, this will go forth among the nations, and nations shall disappear from the earth in the short time of three to five minutes." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985

"My children, My Son has given you the way. He is the way. The rules were simple. Pastors in My Son's churches, you do not read your Book of life, the Bible. You are too busy committing yourselves to pleasure; you are too busy indulging your mortal appetites; you are too busy being deluded by satan with all rules of modernism and humanism and secularism-all of the 'isms,' My children, that are leading you to communism.
   "O My children, recognize, I repeat, the signs of your times. You are fast selling yourselves into slavery." - Our Lady, July 25, 1977

Go to

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chemotheraphy, Radiation, Surgery

Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery are radical procedures which should be  resorted to in exctreme cases..

Dr. Annie Paloma, who was afflicted of melanoma,  three years ago, opted not to undergo chemotherapy, nor radiation, or removal of the melanoma by surgery. She had friends with cancer who underwent one of the above-mentioned method to combat cancer. They are gone in three or six months from the time they availed themselves of the  procedure.
In the the case Dr.Paloma, her cancer mark (PSA) has gone down to normal level.
Her management of the disease: change in lifestyle, eating uncooked veggies and fruits, less stress and natural supplements to boost her immune system.
Paz Hermogenes is another cancer survivor who did not undergo chemotherapy, nor radiation nor surgery to remove the numerous cancer cells from her breast.Neither did she have it biopsied.
She said that the master of all sickness comes from the large intestines. So, it should be cleansed. Eat the immune system  boosters like fresh fruits and vegetables. Her other advice, among other things:
Remove worries, ask GOD to put us in His list, talk to GOD, be patient,be kind to others and ourselves,  Love yourself.

You can benefit from these super foods!

Dr. Robin B. Navarro, medical specialist on the biocellular level, treats his patients through the functional foods that he recommends and his rapid cellular  balancing (RCB). His patients who had stage IV cancer, stroke, hearts patients  due for surgery, and even those who were comatose, recovered under his care.

Below is for more read on chemotherapy and radiation:

Stay away from chemotherapy and radiation

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Letter from a Soul in Hell

A testimony from a soul in hell:

One day you admonished me: “Anne, you will be lost if you don’t pray more.” In truth I prayed very little, and always reluctantly and with annoyance. You were indisputably right. All those who burn in Hell either did not pray or did not pray enough. Prayer is the first step toward God. It is always decisive, especially prayer to that one who is the Mother of God, whose name it is not licit to pronounce. Devotion to her draws innumerable souls away from the devil, souls who by their sins would otherwise have fallen into his hands.

Go to a Letter from a Soul in Hell

Friday, November 25, 2011

Crucifixes on your Front and Back Doors

Place a Crucifix on the outside of your front and back door...  The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)

Testimonies of people saved by the crucifixes
I placed a wooden crucifix on the front door of my home, on the back door and the front door. On May 31, 1998 a tornado came. I believe the crosses saved us.   The house across the street was in the same path and was totally demolished. Our two cars were pickup and hurtled 20 feet away.  They had nothing sacred on them.   My daughter had nothing sacred on her car and it was completely demolished.   The photo of the battered house was in the Daily Star in Oneonta, NY.
From New Berlin, NY

For more testimonies, go to:

Homes andlives were saved fromfire, riots, terrorism, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and storms.  Why?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1981

Our Lady and our Lord Jesus have warned as early as 1970s to wake up and pray to the Eternal Father because we let our government , schools, medias infiltrated by the evil ones.

Russia Moves Warships into Syrian Waters as A Sign of Support...
"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1981
Haaretz reported on November 18, 2011:
Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country's civil unrest.
Also on Friday, a Syrian official said Damascus has agreed "in principle" to allow an Arab League observer mission into the country.
But the official said Friday that Syria was still studying the details. The official asked not to be named because the issue is so sensitive.
The Arab League suspended Syria earlier this week over its deadly crackdown on an eight-month-old uprising. The 22-member body has proposed sending hundreds of observers to the country to try to help end the bloodshed. Read more...

"My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind.  This is the message:  THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES!
     "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments.  Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced.
     "But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments.  If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned.
     "My child, I know this has been a complete shock to you, but this message must go throughout the world.  Awaken those who sleep before it is too late." - Our Lady, March 26, 1983

"Your country, America the beautiful, is being prepared now for complete capitulation. Now you know, My children, and now you must act upon this knowledge, or you, too, will feel captivity and slavery and the closing of My houses throughout your country. You have blindly walked right into the trap of enslavement set upon you through devious infiltration of your government, your schools, and your medias of communication.
     "Awaken now from your slumber and seek your return from your course of destruction by getting down upon your knees and praying in heartfelt, sincere prayer to the Eternal Father, to guide you back from your present road of destruction.
     "Your countrymen have sought to silence the voice of My Mother throughout your world. You will not continue to silence the voice-boxes throughout the world, for you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction!" - Jesus, June 5, 1975 

"I must reveal, My children, to the world again, that you are to keep a crucifix on your front door and your back door. All entrances to your home must be guarded by the crucifix. There has not been one home on Long Island that had a crucifix on its door that did fall to any evil. I do not speak of the trees, My child; I speak of mankind. You did not know a major disaster as has happened, My children, in Mexico. You see, My child, I set you down in that area to bring the word to mankind, and it was through these words that many listened and the passed through the horrible experience of a hurricane."
- Jesus, October 5, 1985

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Test Tube Baby

Jesus and Mary spoke out strongly against test tube babies.

Surrogate Motherhood not to be tolerated . . .

    Jesus - "My child, there is also one  thing I wish to discuss with you for the world, for all of the world's children to know, how Heaven feels about their diabolical search for life in a test tube.  Yes, My child, I know this shocks you, but you are fully aware of what is going on.  Your news medias seem to enjoy putting these evils before your eyes and your ears and your readings.  Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers.  We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other.
     "The sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness.  There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent - I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins - but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube.  This will not be accepted by Heaven.
     "These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of a so - called doctor upon earth.  He is a doctor, not of divinity but of sin.
     "Doctors now are profaning their profession; those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions.  Doctors also pretend, or hope to seek far above the Eternal Father.  Just as the angels did many years ago.  They sought to outshine the Eternal Father, and they were cast forever out of Heaven.  But they took many with them.

Test Tube Babies born without soul . . .

    "Therefore, My children, I must tell you this, there will be a major war between the right and the wrong side, the left and the right, over this issue.  We will not have test tube babies, for they are not born with a soul.  They can only, then, be called a 'thing', a 'creature' unknown.  Is this what you want, My children?  Is this what you want of these children you bear for another?  To give them as though you were machines, manufacturing them for another?” (6-6-87)

Resembles a child but is not a child . . .

    Our Lady - "You cannot now bargain with satan, for his power is too great.  As a former high angel of the Eternal Kingdom of your God, he too said, 'I will not obey, for I am a god in myself.'  My children, are there not voices now going throughout the world saying 'I am God!'  Do they not seek to play the part, the role of a god now, as they seek to create life?  It is an abomination in the eyes of God for man in his arrogance and pride to seek to create the living being.  What he is creating is a soulless monster, a being of destruction for all that it will meet.  I say 'it,' for it is not truly a human being but 'a thing!'  My children, a thing!
    "Did I not warn you when I first entered upon the grounds at St. Robert Bellarmine Church?  Did I not warn you with a photograph?  The woman standing at the right high in pregnancy and upon her person a test tube with a being inside that resembled a child but is not a child!  My children, if you continue - O scientist of the world - in this pursuit, your punishment shall be great!” (7-25-78)

Man not a little god . . .

    Our Lady - "And if a priest or a minister even has the dare to blaspheme himself and tell you that don't worry about sinning, because one day you will even be a god.  And you say, 'a god?'  If any of you have heard this, My children, you know it is true, that many have become so arrogant that they feel that they are mini - gods, little gods.  In no way will man be a little god.  There is no justification to be called a little god, no matter what place he has in his world.
     "There is only one God, the Lord High God in Heaven.  No man is God, even though he places himself up as God now, even trying to create life, and even trying to restore life to the dead.  He shall never restore life to the dead.  He shall never create a life.  What he shall create is a monster, a soulless being.  We will not go into this, My child, as I see you are tiring.  But We must warn the parents against the immodesty of the world.  My heart is torn as I have told you, My child." (6-18-82)

No man will be able to create and sustain life . . .
    Our Lady -
"O My children, it appears that mankind has given himself over to perversion.  The Eternal Father is much distressed by mankind - the scientific minds of man on earth seeking to create life.  This cannot be done.  The Eternal Father only has the key to life.
    "My children, you do not know what you are doing.  Scientists must stop at once their pryings, their experimentation into a realm that has brought them in league and contact with the very forces of hell, Lucifer and his agents. 
    "My children, no man upon earth, with all of his knowledge, will be able to create and sustain life.  What he is producing now is an empty shell, a soulless "it", a thing of abomination." (8-19-78)

    Since Our Lady called a test tube baby “being of destruction” and “a thing of abomination” and “a soulless `it’”, what kind of spirit does it possess?

    Not only did the Browns have Louise, but also they went on to have another daughter, Natalie, also through In Vitro Fertilization IVF.
    The Brown daughters are just two of an estimated 500,000 children worldwide who are the result of IVF. Since 1978, science has made remarkable progress in what has come to be known as ART -- assisted reproductive technologies.  There are now more than 300 fertility clinics in the United States alone.  Heaven help us. 

First TestTube Baby Reads Thoughts and...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Kind to Unkind People

"Be kind to unkind people - they need it the most."
Ashleigh Brilliant
"Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa
Today I would like to share a short guide to being a kinder person. Becoming kinder not always easy though and I focus on being more consistent rather than trying to be perfect.
But why even make the effort to be kinder? What's the point? Why not just go about things as you usually do?
Three reasons pop up in my mind.
  • By being kinder to others you tend to be kinder towards yourself. Perhaps a bit counter intuitive but this has been my experience.
  • You get what you give. Yes, some people will be miserable and ungrateful no matter what you do for or to them. But most people will over time treat you as you treat them. Unfortunately, a lot of people will not take the first step. So if you want a change in your life you have to take responsibility for it and make those first moves. Sitting around waiting for someone else to do them could take the rest of your life.
  • It makes your world and the world all in all a nicer place to live in.
So that's the why. Here is the how to.
  1. Be grateful for what you got. It's very easy to take yourself, your life and the people around you for granted. Avoid that by using two minutes from time to time for reflecting on what you can be grateful for. Or write it down each day in a gratitude journal.
  2. Express it. Don't hold in what you are grateful for. Say it. It may be that you are happy to have brought an umbrella on a rainy day. Or just a small thing such as saying thanks to someone for holding your books for a minute. But even such small expressions of gratitude can make your or someone else's day better.
  3. Minimize judgments. No one likes to be judged. And the more you judge people the more you tend to judge yourself. So it's a lose-lose situation.
  4. Take it easy with the criticism. Constructive criticism has its place. But too much of that or criticism that won't help anyone just makes people feel and perform worse. Try encouraging them instead. It makes work and the people involved - including you - easier to deal with and more fun.
  5. Try to understand the other side. It's easy to stick to your point of view. But you can gain powerful insights about the other person and yourself too by trying to understand their point of view. This also tends to decrease harshness and negativity and can make it easier to reach an understanding where both parties feel more satisfied with the solution.
  6. Remember the small and kind gestures. Let someone in into your lane while driving your car. And hold up the door for the next person.
  7. Remind yourself. It's easy to forget. Use whiteboards, your cell phone, post-its and other reminders in your daily environment.
  8. Awash yourself in the positive memories of the times when you were kind. When you remind yourself how good it felt to be kind and how you helped someone out and made them feel good too it becomes easier and easier to stay kind instead of questioning the habit.
  9. Take the smarter and higher road. Don't be someone the people can walk all over, set boundaries and say no when needed. But recognize that unnecessary conflicts just waste your time and energy. And that some people are so addicted to the drama and conflicts that you will never win or reach an understanding between the two of you. There are more fun and good things to spend time on in your life. So try to reach an understanding in a kind sort of way. But if it doesn't work then remove yourself from getting drawn into their conflicts and make the day better for both you and possibly them.
  10. Be kind to yourself. It's OK and something that a lot of people don't do enough. And it seeps over into your world and how you treat others just like how being kind to others seeps back into how you treat yourself.
I hope this small guide will help you to follow a path of more kindness in your life and through your example inspire others to do the same,

Thanks, Bobby, for this inspiring message!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Israel and Iran Conflict

Could the conflict between Iran and Israel  trigger World War III?

    Our Lady - "My child and My children, there are scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the Father has great heart for all His children, but when the sin reaches a peak only known to the Father, the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will take action." - May 28, 1983 

Our Lady - "Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Syria holds the key to peace at this time. However, I place in front of you, My children, a graphic picture for you to understand. It will be a parable for some, and some will turn away not willing to hear what Heaven has to say in these desperate times."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rev. Fr. Fernando Suarez, the Filipino healing priest

During the first Wednesday mass of Fr. Luke Pacquet in our parish, he related that he assisted in the healing mass of Fr. Fernando Suarez, the well known healing priest, in San Roque Cathedral of Caloocan, Philippines. Fr. Luke said that during the healing portion, some young and elderly got up from their wheelchairs and walked. However, there were some who were not able to leave their wheelchairs.

Fr. Luke explained that healing would not happen if the sins are not purged. Confess it sincerely. Our hearts should be free of hatred, it should be forgiving, without impure thoughts If we don't forgive, we will not be forgiven by the Father. Forgiveness is given through the priests. Non Catholics say they confess directly to the Father in heaven, but could they hear the Father's forgiveness?

When we confess, we have to be humble. If not, it is difficult to tell your sins to the priest.

For the schedule of Fr. Suarez' healing service, go to this link:

Whenever a news is out that Fr. Suarez would conduct a healing mass, the people flock to his mass. Fr. Suarez says that he is just a conduit of God's healing.

If you want to get healing, go open this video: 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants: All Belong to Jesus

The universal church started when  Peter was
appointed first pope of the Roman
Catholic Church. But with the rebellion of
Martin Luther, other denominations followed.
No matter what denomination you belong to,
for as long as you believe that the Lord
Jesus is the Messiah, the savior, we all
belong to HIM. There should be no quarrel.
He wants us unified!                   

 Locution of Vassula Ryden:


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nicola Tesla and his Missing Secrets

 Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that... it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica groans.)
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of destruction." (7-25-85)

Know the secrets of  Nicola Tesla, go to Nicola Tesla

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One-World Religion/Government/Plan to Destroy 90% of Population

The pro life and pro RH Bill should know the real agenda of advocates of contraceptives, abortion, divorce law.:destroy 90% of population and ultimately the families.Watch this video:

We have to wake up to the warnings of our Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary about one-world religion.

"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976

"My Mother explained to you the plan for the takeover of the Seat of Peter by a select group. In 1975 a message of truth was given to mankind of the great length the evil ones will go to capture the Seat of Peter. There is working throughout your world a group We have called the octopus, a web of evil consisting of principalities, powers, all seeking to destroy Christianity and to bring your country and all of the nations of the world under the rule of one-world religionists. It will be a political machine to enslave the world." - Jesus, June 18, 1978

Internet Groups Fear United Nations Could Threaten Cyberspace...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Warning of Mama Mary on Pestilence in New York

"A country that shuts out its God starts down the path for its own destruction. A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell. Servitude, desecration, soul destruction—all will reap what they have sown. Floods, great heat, death. You will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis, many will be cleansed." - Our Lady, April 1, 1972 

The warning of Mama Mary made in 1972 is now happening,after  40 plus years. We have to remember that earth years differ in the spiritual realm.

  New York Terrorized By a Pestilence of Underground Insects...
An insect invasion is terrorizing New York City homeowners, making life miserable, even dangerous, for many families. Parents have been forced to take extreme measures to protect their children and their homes.
CBS 2’s Dave Carlin investigates the growing Upper West Side mosquito mystery.
These rare mosquitoes are extra blood-thirsty and active year-round. Carlin saw some of them in a lab after they were collected in the unlikeliest of places, Bernard Lagan’s home on West 84th Street.
“They trapped 150 mosquitoes in the basement in a 24-hour period coming from underground and into the basement and up in to the house through the air vents and it’s the same story as the other brownstones on this block,” Lagan told Carlin.
It’s an invasion that has almost every resident of 84th Street between Riverside and West End Avenue slapping, scratching and suffering.
“They’re hungry. They’re hungry,” said resident Susan Nicholson.
“Three on this ear; one on his cheek; one on his neck,” another woman said, illustrating the bites on one of her children. “And there are some on his arms going up his arm.”
Frustrated neighbors said after numerous complaints to the city and no concrete action, they feel abandoned. So like busy bees, they’re taking matters in to their own hands: covering cracks, vents and drains, both inside and out.
“Every vent is covered with mesh. It helps. It cuts it by 50 percent,” resident Pauline Galiana said.
In bedrooms on the block you see mosquito netting over the beds. Residents told Carlin it is the only way to get an uninterrupted pain-free night of sleep.
“This mosquito is well known for being in sewers in New York,” said Dina Fonseca, a professor at the Rutgers Center for Vector Biology.
Fonseca said the blood suckers’ scientific name is Culex Pipiens Molestus and that they thrive year-round in sewers and feast on humans at night.
“The best way to address that is to close all connections to the sewer and do aggressive mosquito control in the sewers, but that’s a tall order in these old cities like New York,” Fonseca said....

Go to this link

Friday, November 11, 2011

Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are any sensory stimuli below an individual's absolute threshold for conscious perception. Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual may process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes, similarly masked by other stimuli, or recorded backwards in a process called backmasking. Introduced in 1895, the concept became controversial as "subliminal messages" in 1957 when marketing practitioners claimed its potential use in persuasion. The near-consensus among research psychologists is that subliminal messages do not produce a powerful, enduring effect on behavior;and that laboratory research reveals little effect beyond a subtle, fleeting effect on thinking. Apart from their controversial use in marketing and media psychology, subliminal stimuli are employed in scientific research on perception without awareness, or unconscious perception.

 The effectiveness of subliminal messaging has been demonstrated to prime individual responses and stimulate mild emotional activity. Applications, however, often base themselves on the persuasiveness of the message. The near-consensus among research psychologists is that subliminal messages do not produce a powerful, enduring effect on behavior; and that laboratory research reveals little effect beyond a subtle, fleeting effect on thinking. Research upon those claims of lasting effects—such as weight loss, smoking cessation, how music in popular culture may corrupt their listeners, how it may facilitate unconscious wishes in psychotherapy, and how market practitioners may exploit their customers—conclude that there is no effect beyond a placebo[4] or making the person conscious of their current condition.Wikipedia

Following are examples of subliminal messages in songs, cartoons & ads

Where are Michael Jackson John Lennon, and Selena? They were composers of hit songs.

Young girl shown where Selena and Michael Jackson are

subliminal nessages

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We are being Altered into Post Human!

Check out this video on how we are manipulated by the powers that be, eventually merging us with machines!
God loves His creations that He won't allow this to happen! PRAY HARDER SO THAT EVIL WILL NOT TRIUMPH!

Go to this link Synthetic Biology

Thursday, November 3, 2011

One World Religion/Government under Illuminati

The warnings of our Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary about one-world/one government,/religion can be gleaned from this leaked video by ILLUMINATI-- death to countries that disobey, controlling weather such as tsunamis, floods, earthquakes,etc."with no fingerprints attached"; control of our natural resources; primary target is Islamic nations who never submit to Western domination.

watch part 2 at this link

"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976

"My Mother explained to you the plan for the takeover of the Seat of Peter by a select group. In 1975 a message of truth was given to mankind of the great length the evil ones will go to capture the Seat of Peter. There is working throughout your world a group We have called the octopus, a web of evil consisting of principalities, powers, all seeking to destroy Christianity and to bring your country and all of the nations of the world under the rule of one-world religionists. It will be a political machine to enslave the world." - Jesus, June 18, 1978

UNITING ALL NATIONS INTO A COMMON DICTATORSHIP"There is a massive web of evil now fanning out from a nucleus of power. There is a plan now to engulf your world into a united center of power with a central head of man--man uniting all nations into a common dictatorship, man seeking to discard My House and set up one to his own liking and nature. I allow you to proceed but for a short time.” – Jesus, December 24, 1976 - tldm

“Satan, the prince of darkness, the master of deceit, now controls every media in your country and the countries throughout the world. As he was a murderer and liar from the beginning, so he is still a murderer and liar." 
Jesus, November 1, 1977- tldm

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Role of the Virgin Mary and Saints

The Virgin Mary is the vessel so that our Lord Jesus could be born as MAN. She was sent by GOD to precede Jesus to warn us of this era. Saints were also sent before her, but nobody listened.
Being the mother of GOD, she deserves to be venerated. She herself is telling us not to bend our knees to her but ask for her intercession to bring us to Jesus.

It had been prophesied that there would be visionaries  to warn us to repent or receive the wrath of GOD., the likes of Vassula Ryden, Bill Wiese, Sis Lucy, Sis Jacinta, Rick Joyner, and others,
 Jesus is already at the threshold,  for His coming! Repent and be converted.

Messages of the Lord Jesus, Mama Mary and St. Michael: 
"And I come allowing My Mother first to precede Me, because it is Her day of birth upon earth, and I have great love for My Mother." Jesus, Sept.1985
        “Better that a man has died in the womb of his mother than to disgrace and to bring           
       discredit to My Mother.” (Jesus, 11-22-75)
       "Man can defame Me very easily but I will not allow him to defame My Mother."   
      (Jesus, 6-18-93"

     All who have closed their hearts to My Mother’s message will be brought down to  
     their knees in shock! " (Jesus, 2-1-75)

    "I shall not stand by and allow My Mother to be debauched and defamed. I will take   
     action, great action, against the theater where this picture (the "Hail Mary" film) shall   
     be shown." (Jesus, 10-5-85)

"In the past many saints were sent to you to prepare you and warn you of these present days that you live in.  But who took heed of their counsel?  And now My Mother wanders upon earth, and who takes heed of Her counsel? How long do you think I shall stand by and allow you to defame Her?  I shall not much longer allow My Mother to be victimized by you." (Jesus, 7-25-79)

     "Harken to my words, O men of sin! You shall not defile or defame the Mother of   
      God, the woman of virtue and purity whom you seek to dethrone in her place among 
      you! Vengeance, the saints cry out for vengeance! How long will you survive the Ball 
      of Redemption!"  (St. Michael, 9-7-74)
"It is to your advantage to listen and act upon My counsel, or you will cry bitter tears of regret when it is too late!" (Our Lady, 9-13-77)
"All scoffers will learn too late that the Mission from Heaven was urgent and sorely needed, for the numbers of sin, those children in sin, are counted now not in the few but in the multitudes, falling fast into hell." (Our Lady,  7-1-85)
        "Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and God-sent upon mankind, shall    
       increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers." (Jesus, 5-26-79)
“Your seasons shall turn. Upheavals of nature shall be more prevalent. They will increase in intensity until mankind is brought to his knees.” (Our Lady of the Roses, 2-1-78)
"O My child and My children, how many disasters must come upon your country and the countries of the world before the peoples will become awakened to the reality of a very angry God?”  (Jesus, May 21, 1983) 
"You will not stop the words of My Mother. She is your Co-Redemptrix, and as such, it is She Who has been given the mission to bring you back onto the road to the Kingdom. Without Her you will be lost." - Jesus, August 5, 1974 
"I will put enmities between thee (Satan) and the woman (Virgin Mary), and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." Gen 3:15 DRB
"Those who have heckled and doubted shall be put to shame and confusion. For nothing remains hidden in the darkness, but must come forward into the light to be exposed at a certain time." (Our Lady, 10-6-80)
"Awaken now from your slumber and seek your return from your course of destruction by getting down upon your knees and praying in heartfelt, sincere prayer to the Eternal Father, to guide you back from your present road of destruction.
    "Your countrymen have sought to silence the voice of My Mother throughout your world. You will not continue to silence the voice-boxes throughout the world, for you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction!
    "Amen, amen, I say to you: unless mankind returns God the Eternal Father to his life, he will not have the years of two hands to count upon!
    "The present generation, My child, shall pass through this crucible of suffering.  Many great saints shall rise from this persecution.”  (Jesus, June 5, 1975)