Sunday, April 5, 2015

God's Blessings or Curses for Philippines

If we repent and turn our ways to righteousness, God's blessings will pour in the Philippines, spiritual, as well as, physical.

Seven cities will be anointed: Legazpi, Cagayan de Oro, Lipa, Pateros, Pampanga, Baguio, and Manila.

However, if we turn away from Him, chastisement will come through water, wind, earthquake, diseases.

Below is an excerpt from God's Mandate for Philippines.

2 God has specific blessings for each nation. After the celebration of the Jubilees – 490 years, it seems that our good God has begun to show His goodness and favor upon the Philippines. 

God has planned blessings for the Philippines  Through the many prophets that the Lord sent to the Philippines, one constant word rings through all of them  – the time for Philippines to find favor in God’s eyes has come! When the Lord God gathered the Israelites together and formed them as a nation, He revealed to them through the prophet Moses  His two  thoughts  - His  two plans.   He  revealed to them  the blessings  they shall  get if  they  would walk with God with a perfect heart.  He also showed to them the dangers that would come upon them if they walk away from God (Deu 28).  Likewise,  when  the  Lord  God  revealed  through  His  prophet  Vincent  Selvakumar  concerning  the  tremendous blessings – natural and spiritual, which He has in store for the Philippines, the Lord also revealed how He will also use the rod of chastisement if we walked away from the path of righteousness. We put these things in proper order so that every believer can contend for their  – Philippines’, destiny. Earnest and consistent prayer will put us in the favor of God.  


God loves the Philippines.  He is very compassionate towards the Philippines to do good for her.  He has revealed His good plans for the nation.  He has also revealed that He is going to cause the Philippines to prosper abundantly spiritually.  The Lord has promised that through the Filipinos the blessings will be carried to all over the world.  He has promised  that  the last  days’  anointing  will  come  upon  this  nation.    And  for  that purpose,  for  His glory to  be manifested He has chosen 7 cities; not only the 7 cities, but He begins in the 7 cities and  from there the glory, the fire  and the power of God will spread all over the Philippines.   

The seven cities are: 

1.  LEGAZPI - God is going to do new things in this city. A prophetic anointing will come like a mighty rain upon the city. The prophetic anointing will be supreme in this city. As a result, prophets will rise up from this city. Many renowned prophets will arise from this city, and the youths will rise up as prophets; senior citizens will rise up as  prophets;  youthful girls  will rise  up  as prophets.  The prophets  who  will go  out  of this  city  will be different. They will be prophets who’ll demonstrate the power of God to the world like the prophet Elijah.   The prophets who  will rise  up from this city  will shake the  nations of  the world, they will even raise the dead people, they will do impossible miracles, they will command the mountains, and they’ll command the clouds.  No  one  will  be  able  to  withstand  them.  They  will answer  by  fire  and  by  flame;  they will  prove God’s Word with signs and wonders. Many young people will rise up in great numbers. They will not be afraid of Ahab, they will not hide away from Jezebel, and their hearts will be filled with boldness. They will part the rivers; they will walk on the waters like they’ll walk on the road. The mighty hand of God will be with them, they will work as the rod in Moses’s hands.   This anointing is going to be poured upon many churches, many small prayer groups and upon many young people. Many people from many nations  will come to the Philippines to see the wonderful works of God. To  show  the  things  that  God  does  here,  God  will bring  you to  other  nations.  The  Lord  says,  “You  are witnesses to His glory.”  

2.  CAGAYAN DE ORO - The prophetic anointing will be upon this city. A large rain will come upon this city continually. Not only in the churches or in the places that people gather, but even when the people are walking in the streets, the 3 rain will fall upon them. The Lord will rise up youths for Him, they’ll be like flaming fire, and they will be like people – the prophets, who will receive words directly from the Lord. The angels will meet with them. The scrolls of God will be revealed to them.    Cagayan de Oro will be known as the city “where angels ascend and descend.”  The angels will come and meet the people in this city. They will meet the youths, the young girls and the small children. Even when the children are asleep  they’ll  wake them up and speak to them. As the Lord called Samuel, such voices will be heard in many places in the city. Angels will surround the city. The anointing that God is going to pour in the city will be different. When the anointing comes their eyes and their ears will be opened; they will receive  words  from the  Lord.  They  will  see  visions;  they  will be taken  into  the  spiritual  realm.  As John heard the voice, “Come up!” and as he went to heaven, the youths in this city will hear such voices very often.  The Lord stretched out His hand and took hold of the prophet Ezekiel’s hair and took him to a different place. Such experiences will be experienced by the youth of this city. They will walk in the secret places of heaven. They will hear the sound of chariots and the sound of trumpets in their ears. 

3.  LIPA -The Spirit of God will manifest the Words of God very strongly here. The last-days’ anointing will come mightily upon this  city.  As the  clouds  will gather together  and cause a mighty rain, the  Holy Spirit  will come like a mighty rain upon them. The Lord will work wonderfully in that city. The Holy Spirit’s work will be great here. The people will be anointed in the city and will be made to know the secrets of God’s Word.    To this last-days generation, the Lord of hosts says new commandments and new Words will go forth from this city. He kept a commandment for people living in the Old Testament; He kept a new commandment for the people of the New Testament. God will bring forth from this city new commandments for the last-days generation. Just as the commandments of God came forth from Mount Sinai, God’s Word will come forth out of Lipa.   So far, these things have been kept hidden. Three kinds of hidden teachings will come out of this city. It will open the eyes of the last-days people. It will strengthen the people. It will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. God will manifest three kinds of teachings. These truths will go to the uttermost parts of the world. For this purpose God will raise up the young people, and God will raise up mighty people for this purpose. The Holy Spirit will open the eyes of the people; will work mightily in the city. The Lord’s Spirit will speedily do it! It is coming swiftly.   

4.  PAMPANGA - The Lord’s goodness will come upon this place like rain. The Lord will stretch forth His right hand upon this  city.  Many  people  thirst  will  be  quenched  in  this  city.  The  Spirit  of  God  will  reveal  to  the  world secrets that have never been revealed before.   God reveals many secrets to many prophets. He revealed His secrets to the prophet Daniel, but He said to him one thing: “Till the day comes, you must seal them.” Behold, that day has come! The people who’ll break the seals will come  from Pampanga! God will break the seals in this place, and He will reveal the secrets. This anointing will come upon the people in Pampanga. And the people who will break the seals will rise up mightily from this city. The last-days mysteries that are kept sealed in this place will be broken and be made manifest to the world from this city.   The Lord says, “There’ll be an anointing in their eyes, on their ears and on their tongues.” That anointing will  do  a  great  work  in  them.  The  scales  from  their  eyes  will  drop  down.  With  their  sight  they’ll  see heaven. They’ll be people who will go up to heaven and will come down. They will reveal to the people the secrets.   When John was in the island of Patmos, the Word of the Lord came to him. He was taken to heaven; he went and  stood in  the place  where no  one else  can stand.  That  same blessing  has  been  promised to  the young  people,  to  the  senior  citizens,  and  to the  ministers  of  God.”  They  will  lift  up  the  Word  of  God. 4 Their eyes and their ears will see and hear, face-to-face in heaven. They will bring to the people what they see. The Holy Spirit will work in them, with the anointing to reveal secrets.  

5.  PATEROS - God’s trumpets and God’s horns are planted in this  city. It will be known as the “Trumpet of God” city. It’ll  be  known  as God’s  horn. God  will touch  the  children,  young people  and  the churches  of this  city. Many people will rise up with zeal in this city. People who are mighty in the Spirit will rise up in this city. They will prepare the way of the Lord in the city. They will not fear Satan. When Satan hears their names, he will tremble. God  will give a drawn sword  in their hands. A double-edged sword will go out of their mouths. It will be a flaming, consuming fire sword.   They will do great things for God. They will not fear any man. They will challenge the government. They will remind the people of John the Baptist. They will not expect any profit from the world. They will say what is right and what is wrong. They will be bold like Elijah. They will threaten Jezebel. They will cause Jezebel to be afraid. They will convict people of sin. They will speak very clearly to the people the things concerning the coming of the Lord, and warn people about God’s ways and God’s judgments before they come upon the land.   They  will  warn  the  nations  of  the  coming  judgments  of  God  and  they’ll  be  used  by  God  as  God’s trumpets. Even the governments will be afraid of the words that will come out of their mouths. Even the kings will be afraid. That anointing  will come  upon the city; it  will prepare  the  way of the Lord. It will make the way straight before  the Lord. Like the voice of one crying in the  wilderness, such a voice will come out of them. God says all you people will bring forth mighty men; open your womb and bring them forth!  

6.  BAGUIO - God’s  grace  will  come  upon  Baguio  City.  The  last-days  anointing  will  come  mightily  upon  the  city. Among all the seven cities, God’s anointing will first come upon Baguio City. God’s anointing oil will be poured completely upon this city. God’s precious ointment will be spread all over the city.  In this city there will be a last-days ways to be made ready and be prepared for the people of God. Baguio City will be known as a training center  for the last-days people of God. Last-days houses will rise up in this city that will house people  in the end-times and in the tribulation days that they will not fail in their faith.  God  will  feed  many  people  in this  city.  The  elders  and  the  young  people  will  be  filled  with this anointing.  The  young people  will rise up  mightily to  serve. The  Lord  will raise up  huge  walls with His Spirit.  This city will be protected by the Spirit of God. The evil ones will not be able to touch the borders of this city. God will raise up many fathers in this city who will nourish others. They will open the eyes of others in the land. They will establish others to stand as witnesses for the Lord. They will instill the fear of God in the hearts of many people. They will sow into the hearts of the people to rise up as zealous martyrs for the Lord. This will be known as the “City of Refuge” for the Lord.  The Spirit of the Lord will hover in this city. This city will be hidden by the  wings of the Lord, and the shadow of the Lord will be over it. The feet of the Lord will trample down the work of the beast. This city will be filled with the presence and the fragrance of the Lord. This city will be lighted with the light that will come from the eyes of the Lord. God will surround the walls of this city with His lightning and with His thunder. The city will be protected from danger.   

7.  MANILA - God will use this city as Jerusalem to meet His people. New hands will go forth from this place. God will bring forth new gifts  from  this city. This will be a  city loved  by God  like Mount  Zion. God  will gather many people in this city. This city will be a place where God meets His people. God will reveal His plans through this city. God’s eyes will be upon this city, that God will remove evil from this city.  God will make many plans of His to come out of this city. God’s people will be gathered to this city. From many places in  your city, and from many parts of your city, and from the many cities of the Philippines, God  will  cause  them  to  come  and  gather  often.  At  that  time  God  Himself  will  come  and  speak  to  the 5 people. God will reveal many plans, last-days plans to His people. God will fill them with new gifts and send them out.  The blessings that God has for the Philippines are very glorious and wonderful.  SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS   ·  He is going to rise up a Prophetic Generation.  The young people will rise up as prophets; churches will become prophetic churches; children will prophesy.   ·  Ministers of God will become renowned ministers and will do renowned works around the world.   ·  The Lord will sanctify the foundations of the churches.   ·  He will fill the land with good things.   ·  God will rise up mighty men who will demonstrate the power of God.   ·  A Prophetic Anointing will cover the whole land.   ·  The last days’ evangelistic message will go all over the world through the Filipinos.   ·  The last days’ angels will manifest themselves continually, ascending and descending in this nation.   ·  God’s counsels will continually come upon this land.   ·  God will continually meet His people.   ·  There will be signs that will appear in the skies above this nation.   ·  The Lord will tangibly speak to this nation.  Even during the church services believers will tangibly and audibly hear the voice of God.   ·  God will show the believers changes in the natural order.   ·  God will speak to the believers through signs in the heavens.   ·  A huge group of people will tangibly see angels coming down in the heavens.   ·  God  will  bring,  command  a  Revival  upon  the  children.    Wherever  the  children  gather,  God  will suddenly manifest  His  power.  Many children  will be taken in the spirit to heaven and  see glorious things. ·  A mighty Revival will come upon the nation, and it will be a sign to other nations. 


God  will  prevent  the  many  natural  disasters  that  come  upon  the  land.    God  will  establish  the foundation of the nation.  God will give command to the winds and the seas and bind them.  He will look  at  the  waves  that  come  roaring  and  say,  “Thus  far  you  can  come,  but  not  farther.”    He  will establish all the land’s foundations.  ·  God will enlarge irrigation.  God will increase the harvest.   ·  God will lift up the economy. ·  All the hidden  treasures that are under  the  nation’s feet that she  does  not  know yet, God  will bring them to the forefront. ·  The many people who have gone overseas to work will now come back to their own land. ·  Many  people  will develop  industries  and  companies  in this  land.    Many  wealthy industrialists  will come to the Philippines and will begin to open up new industries. ·  The Filipinos will give work to many people from abroad.  ·  God will increase the economic situation of the country.

·  Everything of the work of our hands will be prosperous. Whatever we sow will be prosperous.  The business that we do will be prosperous.  God will not cause any dryness to come to the works of our hands.    ·  Many  inventors  will  rise  up  from  the  Philippines.  God  will  use  the  Filipinos’  wisdom  and intelligence.    These are all the good thoughts that God has for the Philippines.  God says that whenever you obey Him, you will inherit all these blessings.  God is a God who is not a respecter of persons over this land.  


We were blessed to know of the blessings the Almighty God has in store for the Philippines. Just as the prophet Moses warned the Israelites of dire consequences if they turn away from following the Lord God with all their heart, the Lord too warns us of disastrous consequences if we walked away from God to serve our own ways and forsake the ways of God.  In whatever  way the church is, so is the nation.  A nation’s blessings and curses are in the  hands of the believers.  God has kept good blessings for the Philippines, but we need to cooperate with Him.  If we don’t and go away from the ways of God, and do not mend our ways, it will be very disastrous.   There will be no one to save the Philippines.   If we don’t repent and pray God has planned much destruction all over the Philippines. The cup of God’s wrath over the Philippines is very disastrous.  There will be much disaster all over the land.     

The seven wrath of God will come upon:  

1.  MINDANAO  - Below that strait is a place called Compostela. A typhoon has been appointed to come upon that area.  It will surround a place called Tagum.  Then the foundations will be shaken; many people will die.  It will be a big lesson and a fear to the rest of the world.  A large number of people will be scattered.  We may have to depend on the nations of the world to help us.    The Lord has kept in reserve for a mighty typhoon to rise up against 6 lands. God’s anger will come upon the  islands  of  SAMAR  and  LEYTE.    A  huge  typhoon  is  planned  to  come  over  there.  There  will  be disasters through flood. Grievous death is going to come to Mindanao.    

2.  PALAWAN - Bowls of wrath will be poured upon this place; it will be very pitiful. A great flood and a great typhoon will come upon Palawan.  Many people will die there.  A great grievous death is coming to Palawan.   Children will die of hunger, of pain and of waters.  Many children’s bodies  will be thrown in the streets. Many areas will become muddy and swampy.  The Lord says your rivers will come upon the land.   The  smell  of  waters  is  in  many places  in  the  land.    Death  is  coming  by  waters.    Many  people  will  be drowned. The dangers that will come will be unlike what we have experienced in the past. It  will be great even in the eyes of the world.   Hundreds  and  thousands  of  people  will  be  scattered.  Many  houses  will  be  ravaged.  Many  people  will become refugees in our own land.  A very pitiful state will come upon us when we will have to depend on other people to help us.  MINDORO will also face great destructions through winds   7 

3.  PANGASINAN -  A grievous disease will spread from here to all over the world.  It will consume the flesh of men; all their outer skin will begin to decay.  It will pierce through the bones.  The fear of this disease will spread all over the world.  This disease will begin from the Philippines and spread all over the world.   This will then spread to CEBU.  Another new disease will spring forth from Cebu.   

4.  BOHOL - Another disease will come from Bohol.  It will be a challenge to our nation.  This disease will spread very wildly  so that every  people  will  fear.  It  will spread  all  over  the  land,  and  then  it  will  spread  into  many nations of the world.  When this disease strikes a person, it will cause a person’s body to turn black.  Many old people’s bodies will burst.  Their bodies will decay and rot.  People will be afraid to bury such people. Such plagues will come to surround the land.   

5.  LUZON & CEBU - Mighty floods will come in these regions.  It will come as a result of the winds and the waters.  All these dangers will come that history of the nation has never seen before.   All our irrigable lands will be destroyed.  At that time we’ll stretch forth our begging hands for food from other nations.  Our children are going to die of famine and hunger.    70 islands of our nation are waiting to disappear  under water.  The waters will rise up against them.  The shouts and the cries of the people will be terrible.    

6.  COASTAL CITIES The waters will pass the coastal cities and enter into the land.  Many people will lose their property; many people will fade away in sunlight and land.    Earthquakes will come in your land. Volcanoes will erupt in many places. There will be cries and troubles in the land.  Furthermore,  100  smaller  places  will  experience  destruction  through  terrible  floods.  There  are  no precedents to anything like this in the past history of the Philippines.  

7.  PERILOS TIMES Our  young  people  will  become  captives.    The  hunters  and  the  captors  will  increase  in  the  land.  Wicked people will walk on the streets in our land.  They will kill many people in broad daylight and throw their bodies in the streets. There will even come a dangerous time when people will kill each other for food.  Many buildings will catch fire.  God will set many buildings on fire and shakings. God will cause dangers to come through lightning and thunders.  


As God has plans for the Philippines Satan too has made some plans against our nation and our Churches. How will he do it?  ·  Make  Churches  sleepy.  Cause  problems  between  churches.  Bring  Worldliness  into  the  churches.  Make Churches to spend time on unnecessary things. Cause financial hardship in the churches. ·  Make Intercessors become callous ·  Make Worship just entertainment (no presence or touch of the Holy Spirit) ·  No messages against sin. No repentance in the churches. ·  Make the believers hearts drowsy.  ·  Plans to bring division among church leaders ·  To bring divisive and strange teachings to come to the land 
