Monday, October 13, 2014

A Great Blow to the "Masters of the Universe"

"They call themselves the “Masters of the Universe.”   They recently posted an image of President Obama on http://www.drudgereport in which he was depicted as a superman of the galaxy, and there came another one of their cryptic messages on that same website, “Freedom for the Masters of the Universe!” Or, so they thought! Most would not know one thing about their boastings, that is, not anyone outside of their international space program. " - Linda Newkirk

This is the latest (October 2014) message of Linda Newkirk, the woman of Revelation 12 of the last book of the Scriptures.

Learn who the so called "masters of the universe", and  the sorcerers and devotees of Satan 

Below is an excerpt from the Mountain Prophecies:

"The first interdemensional portal began to open up over my head in 2001. Then, I lived in North Little Rock Arkansas, just next door to Little Rock, airbase and in close vicinity to their Satanic bases of Camp Robinson, and Camp Pike Arkansas, Camp Robinson (robbing son) being perhaps Satan’s premiere base in the USA at this time, and Camp Pike being another one of his supreme bases, named after his chosen son, Albert Pike, the father of modern freemasonry. This whole area is replete with many thousands of workers of witchcraft and sorcerers, who operate from an underground base. And, it is from within the ranks of such sorceries that we have seen the rise of Satan’s children and devotees, Bill and Hillary Clinton! 

Due to the fact that I live here in Arkansas, and due to the presence of these three interdimensional portals, many sorcerers have flooded into this area, making central Arkansas their world training ground for sorcerers, which they have referred to as a relocated “Contigo Bay.” I have heard some of them say that their Contigo Bay world headquarters for sorcery is really located beneath the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida, but in their desperation to have their space program, they moved most of them to this area.  This world space program is run by Satan, by his mind controlled slaves and by sorcerers and high-level Satanists. By high-level Satanists, I also mean those, who are Satan’s children, who are bred to be of a very high-level reptile seed line. This “mystical” alien seed line, as they call it, runs the world, but they are not alien, only fallen angels, who have been here for a very long time, even since the beginning. And, though these offspring appear to be humans, they are human only in appearance. They are some of the most evil, some of the most vicious, lying, deceiving, violent people you will ever meet anywhere. They are those, who love evil and they love a lie. They are pathological liars! They love every dark and despicable thing and they all kill the innocent babies and children, sacrificing them to Satan for power, prestige and money; and as I understand it, Satan sucks up the light of these little ones as they are dying, so that he can have this power, forming from this light, a garment of light for himself, thereby appearing as an angel of light. For, he has no light, being only like a dark and evil wind!

So, I then believed that these seven circles represent these seven trade nations, which are part of this world space agency, those masters of the universe as they seem to want to be called, at least by some of them. As I understand it, these seven nations of the world trade organization are: the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Have these crowned themselves, having given themselves great importance through their space ventures and through the world trade organization?  But, what about the ten horns?  Could these ten horns could be ten nations, those ten nations of Europe, those nations being Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom?  This seems that it may very well be the case.  And, what a spectacle these nations have made in the heavens, going up and down in all of their arrogance, needing to go up these passageways, which are attached to me, but hating me more than anyone could ever imagine! It is no love/hate relationship!  They hate me with a very great hate and though they have needed to pass through these portals and these portals are the only avenues through which they can enter into these  Upper Realms, they have tried to kill me over and over again. 

I love you, Dear Souls; and you know what you must do! Please do not ignore me! Repent of your wrongs and reach out and grab hold of Jesus! Hold onto Him with all of your strength. Jesus alone is Saviour. He is full of love and mercy! You are gonna need Him and His Father! These blood suckers have hijacked the whole world and you cannot fight against those, whom you cannot even see. You cannot defeat weapons, which cannot even be traced.  The powers and principalities of great darkness are running the world; and they are brutal! But, they are no match for our Mighty God. Even as King Nebuchadnezzar knew and even as King Cyrus knew, none can save like our Blessed Lord and God! Get on the winning team now!

Repent and find a spirit-filled person to baptize you. Then, this spirit-filled person can pray for you and you will be blessed to receive the beautiful Spirit of God! Go for this wonderful gift and do not turn back! The lizards are on the prowl, but Jesus saves!"

Read more here