Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why Pray

image from Divine Revelations

 We learn our faith initially from our family , and when children are of school age, the school contributes to the child's spiritual development. Alas, most parents relegate the spiritual side to the school, if both parents are busy with their jobs. In my case I focused on the academic development of my children. Sad to say, I bred an atheist, an agnostic and a lukewarm Catholic.

Spiritual development should be the major responsibility of the parents, the school should only be supplemental.What is acquired knowledge without the wisdom of God?

We have noted some officials of the government who graduated from top schools with high scholastic rating,  but they turned out to be monsters, driven by greed.

I don't give up praying for the conversion of my sons, and the other lost. 

Below is an excerpt on Why we should Pray

"Once again the Lord turned to me, this time in anger.  He was still weeping over the souls who were being condemned.  "Do you really understand and comprehend what is happening here?" the Lord asked me.  "Behold !!" Then, a hole opened up behind the long line of people.  I glanced towards the hole.  There was an awful darkness coming from it.  I heard screams, and shouts, and wails, and moans coming from the hole.  "Go and look," the Lord commanded me.  I didn't want to.  I was scared, but it was as if a hand were at my back forcing me to the edge of this black hole. 
When I reached the edge of this black hole, I glanced down in it.  Then, I drew back in terror and horror.  I could see down the black hole.  It appeared to be a long, descending tunnel.  I could see a seething, roiling mass of people at the bottom of this hole.  They were so crowded together they appeared to have no space between them at all.  There were flames, and a red orange glow coming from the bottom of this black hole.  I smelled sulfur.  I saw fire and flames.  I felt the intense heat of the fire.  I saw maggots crawling all over the bodies of the people at the bottom of the black hole.  The people were on fire, yet were not being consumed by the fire.  But, they were screaming out in agony and pain from the fire.  They were looking up towards the opening of the black hole.  Their hands and arms were raised upwards.  They were shifting and moving restlessly like huge waves.  And they were screaming.  Screaming for deliverance, for mercy.  But there was no mercy.  There was no deliverance. 

I drew back from the edge of the black hole in terror and horror and despair.  I turned back towards the Lord sitting on His throne.  He was still reading from the books.  Now I saw a large, endless stack of books piled next to His throne.  And I knew that every one of the people who those books were written about, were going to be condemned.  I looked at the long, endless line of people gathered before the Lord, waiting to be judged.  Now, I saw every face clearly.  They were my friends, my family, my relatives.  And they were being condemned.  And I saw them being cast into the black hole, and I heard them as they screamed as they fell down the long tunnel. 

Read more here