Joran is said to recruit women, brought them to Netherlands as prostitutes and he received $13, 000.
A very good looking man who seems to come from a good family. His father was a lawyer, died at 58.
Psychiatry correspondent for Fox News Channel, Dr. Keith Ablow, has interviewed killers. Based on his interviews, he could say that evil never appears "out of the womb"
How would a mother react to the knowledge that her child who came from her womb, taken care of, provided with the right nutrients, would turn out evil?
A child growing up until he's exposed to other children in school , does not want her mother out of sight, holding on to her skirt. But as soon as he has found his own friends, the close relationship with the mother is diluted, and he wants to be his own.
Violent movies play a great part in the negative development of a child. It seems to deaden the child's empathy.
In some cases, the child may feel unloved, especially in a family that is not demonstrative of their feelings. (The parents are too busy in their work and/or are reared in the same environment)
Or this could be the contributing factor: sins of the ancestors are passed down up to the third generation.
Psalm 51:5
Surely I was sinful at birth,(Referring to the generational sins.)
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
If you have to evaluate the incidents happening in your family, say, a massacre, separation/divorce, history of unfaithfulness, addictive gambling, or other tragedies, try to look back to your ancestors, up to the third generation from your parents, grandparents and great grandparents (vertical and horizontal relations including uncles ). What happened to them or what sins have they done during their lifetime?
It is tragic if the sins will be passed down to the child.
To cut the sins from happening, Fr. James Sousa, an Indian priest, advised us during one of his lectures:
Identify the ancestors and their sins. Go to mass everyday, and during consecration of the host and the wine into body and blood of Jesus, ask Jesus to forgive the sins of (mention the name and the sin/s committed by the ancestor), and to cut it from being passed down to the next generation. Do it daily, one ancestor for every mass.
For the Chinese, there's the law of Karma. If you do it to other people, it will also happen to you or to your coming generation.
If we sin, the Holy Spirit desserts us. Pray for God's mercy, repent!
Our Lord Jesus is looking for His lost lamb. Let's pray for Joran's, and other children/adult's transformation, and that they would make restitution to the people they have wronged.