Saturday, January 2, 2010


What’s in Store for you in the New Year

A prayer leader in one of the parishes in our district advised us to ask the Lord on what His plan is for us in the coming year. We were told to pray for guidance, open the Bible at random and read the verses of the page we have set our eyes on. (Pray, ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit to guide our hands for His answers to our prayers and then ask it in the name of our Lord Jesus).

In my case, the Lord guided me to

Luke 5;10 “Do Not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men”

True enough, the following year I attended a formation as a parish catechist. I taught grade schoolers on catechism and the adults through the program of the Apostolate for Family Consecration (AFC).

God, you are alive!

New Year’s Eve Revelry

The booming sounds from firecrackers could be heard around our place, and colorful lights were flashing from the “luces” (starlights) in preparation for the new year. Only a few minutes a way to New Year, and then I heard something fell off, about two inches away from my head, while I was sitting down on my bed. On closer look, it was a stray bullet. It bored a hole through our galvanized roofing. Had I been standing at that time, I could have been hit. Somebody used a gun instead of firecrackers to welcome New Year and this is prohibited considering that accidents happened where children and adults were hit by strayed bullets, So, from then on, I made it a point to stay in the ground floor of our two-storey house for safety.
I remember this incident every eve of New Year.

Some people have to be amputated of their limbs to stop lighting a firecracker, learning it the hard way.