Monday, December 15, 2014

Regrets after Abortion

image from abortion
Unborn baby, torn apart by D and E abortion, 24 weeks—note well developed arm muscles

In the 60's and earlier, the number of children per family run from eight to a dozen. This is based on the number in our clan. Family members if brought right were happy, they helped each other in the house chores as well as in the education of the younger siblings. When siblings have their own family, the female member usually follow the husband and raise their own family. Family members who have married are usually scattered in different places, depending on the place of work of the head of the family or their province or country. 

Come December of each year, the clan's Christmas/reunion party is an awaited occasion, especially the arrival of siblings from foreign country. Remember there was no Internet yet, and we relied on snail mail. THE REUNION WAS REALLY A HAPPY OCCASION.

When family planning was introduced, under the guise of economic/health reasons, it was spearheaded by the United Nations.  It  clearly now show their agenda of depopulation and greed by corporations in conspiracy with the government. 

The  number of children per family is controlled through contraceptives and the "natural ways", it waned from a dozen to five or four, and most couple,  preferred three.

To achieve their ideal number, couples resorted to abortion if the pregnancy was not avoided.

If you are not spiritually guided  as I was  not, it seemed that abortion was the only recourse. I was guilty of this. When my second second born was  three months old, I  conceived with my third child. I only knew of my condition when the signs  showed. I went to my Obstetrician, had my injection so that the "blob" could be flushed out. When the injection failed, the obstetrician advised me to undergo abortion and she would not do it..  Eventually, I decided to go on with the pregnancy. But I was worried that the baby might be affected. Thank God, he was a beautiful baby boy, with no abnormalities. 

Really,  Satan is doing everything to thwart God's plan, and that is, be fruitful...
America was a blessed nation, but when it turned to abortion and other inequities, this brought the wrath of God. America, a beautiful and prosperous nation, was emulated by other countries including the Philippines. God forgive us, help us to turn back to You.

There are testimonies of Filipino mothers who resorted to abortion said that they were bothered by voices of crying babies at night. Their aborted baby? This experience is not only here but by  other nationalities:

    Lori Nerad, Former National President of Women Exploited by Abortion:

    “Two weeks after the abortion, I went into labor. I staggered into the bathroom. And there, with my husband beside me, I delivered a part of my baby the doctor had missed. It was the head of my baby. . . I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, thinking I hear a baby crying. And I still have nightmares in which I am forced to watch my baby being ripped apart in front of me. I simply miss my baby. I constantly wake up wanting to nurse my child, wanting to hold my child. And that’s something the doctor never told me I would experience.”

    Abby Johnson, Founder of And Then There Were None:

    One day in the car, my daughter (out of nowhere) asked if some day she would be able to see her siblings in Heaven. I asked her what she meant…honestly, hoping that she was not talking about my own two abortions. She said that she knew I had two abortions and she wanted to know if she would ever get to meet those babies because she said, “in my heart, I miss them.” I never knew I would pass that sort of heartbreak on to my children.

    When I had my abortions, I never thought about how it would affect others. I didn’t think about my future children. I never thought about how I would have to explain my selfishness to them.

    My abortions live in me, and unfortunately, they live in them. ”

Ashley Granger, Wife, mother, sonography student:

Now that my son is 4 years old, I sometimes look at his sweet face and wonder what features my other child would have had. I still have dreams about holding him or her and it makes me so deeply sad to think that I have robbed my son of a sibling. Why not just try and conceive a sibling for him today you may ask? Well, I would love to but my husband and I have been struggling with infertility for two and half years. I never once dreamed that I wouldn’t be able to conceive when I wanted to! Every night my sweet boy prays to God for a sibling and every time I hear those precious prayers my heart aches over what I did. Because in retrospect an abortion isn’t an easy fix or a solution to a problem….it is the problem, and it leaves a lasting effect on generations to come.

For more testimonies, go here

Mama Mary  and her son, the Lord Jesus warned us about abortion

"One of the reasons the Eternal Father chose your city and your state for My appearance was because of abortion, the murder of the holy innocents.  Your nation, without repentance, shall be the first struck." - Our Lady, March 15, 1978
"All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed!" - Jesus, June 2, 1979  

LifeSiteNews reported on December 2, 2014:

    We as a society are constantly bombarded with the pro-choice rhetoric that abortion is sometimes necessary. We also hear the words of post-abortive women like Cecile Richards who will say that their abortions were the right thing to do. But whether they are stuffing down their emotions or just plain lying, abortion is never a happy ending.

    It kills a child and leaves a mother to live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she took her child’s life. Nothing brings that pain to light better than the words directly from the mouths of everyday post-abortive mothers who are ignored by the major media outlets.

    Unlike Richards, these women have nothing to gain from sharing their stories. They only hope to help other mothers choose life.