Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Catholic Church and Vatican II

image from  crisismagazine
Pope Paul VI presided over the 1963 Vatican II Council

The Catholic Church, the largest,  which teaches that it is one true church founded by Jesus, but why does Jesus say to get out of it in this end times?

When I was a grade schooler in the late 50’s, I went to Sunday mass in Espiritu Santo Parish. Female churchgoers were with veils, the mass was in Latin, the priest was facing he altar, the communicant  had to receive the communion by their tongue kneeling, Although I don’t understand Latin, we had our missal in English. You could feel the solemnity.

All these changed “to go with the modern times”. The Vatican II Council under the late Pope John 23 promulgated  the changes, which are a total disrespect to our God. I have mentioned before, learned from  the  revelation of the Father Almighty through Linda Newkirk, that the Catholic Church is now headed by Satan himself. And this is confirmed by the report on the guidelines issued by the demonic Masonic P2 Lodge. Read on:

“Several years ago I came across a shocking report titled “Official Guidelines to Inaugurate the Golden Age of Blessed Peace from the Office for Antichrist!!!  It was issued by the infamous Masonic P2 Lodge in Italy just prior to Vatican II.  Here is how it reads:
Effective March 1962. (The Aggiormento of Vatican II). All warlocks (officers) shall report on the progress of these critical directives!  Pope John XXIII will accept them easily!

1.   Remove St. Michael, the protector of the Catholic Church, from every prayer whether inside or outside of the Mass, once and for all. Remove all of his statues. Say that it detracts from Christ.

2.   Put a stop to practice of penance during Lent, such as eating no meat on Fridays, or fasting. Halt any acts of self-denial. Replace by acts of joy, happiness and love of neighbor. Say that Christ already won heaven for us, and that the efforts of humans are to no avail.

3.   Assign Protestant Ministers to revise and desacredize the Mass. Instigate doubts that the Eucharist is closer to the Protestants belief that it is only bread and symbolic.

4.   Stop all Latin in Mass Liturgy, and devotions and songs. It lends a feeling of mystery and respect. Show it up as mumbo jumbo of soothsayers. People will then stop thinking that Priests are of superior intelligence.

5.   Encourage the ladies to remove their hats in Church; hair is sexy. And demand to be Acolytes and Priestesses. Base it on the Constitution. Start a women’s liberation.

6.     Stop Communicants from kneeling to receive the Host. Tell Nuns to stop the children from folding their hands to and from Communion. Tell them that God loves them as they are, and wants them to be perfectly relaxed.

7.   Stop sacred organ music. Bring in Guitars, Jews Harps, Drums, and stomping of the feet. This will prevent any personal prayer or conversation with Jesus. Don’t give Jesus time to call children to religious vocations.

8.   Profane hymns to the Mother of God, St. Joseph. Call it idolatry. Replace with Protestant songs. This will imply that the Catholic Church is finally admitting that Protestantism is the true religion, or at least equal to the Catholic Church.

9.     Replace all hymns, even to Jesus. This reminds people of their sweet childhood, which will in turn remind them of the peace that came from living a rigorous life of self-denial and penance for God. Bring in only new songs, to convince people that the former rites were somehow wrong. Be sure to have at least one song in each Mass that never mentions Jesus, but only love of humans. The young will be enthusiastic about love of neighbor.

10.    Remove all Saints relics from Altars, and then remove the altars themselves. Replace with Pagan, unblessed tables, which will be used to offer live sacrifice at Satan Masses. Repeal the Church law that says that Mass in Churches can only be said on altars containing Saint’s relics.

11.    Stop the practice of saying Mass before the Holy Eucharist in the Tabernacle. Do not allow any Tabernacles on the tables used for the Mass. Make the table look like a dinner table. Make it portable, to imply that it is not sacred, but could do double duty for anything, such as a conference table or for playing cards. Later, put at least one chair at this table. Make the Priest sit in this, after Communion to signify that he rests after his meal. Never let the Priest kneel at Mass, nor genuflect people don’t kneel at meals.

12.      Remove Saints from the Church calendar, a few at a time. Forbid the Priests the right to talk about Saints, unless mentioned in the Gospel. Say that there might be Protestants in the Church who would not like it.

13.    When introducing the Gospels, drop the word Saint, in Gospel according to Saint John, or any other Saint. Simply say, Gospel according to John. This will imply that people should not honor them anymore. Keep rewriting Bibles until identical to Protestants!

14.    Remove and destroy all personal prayer books. This will stop Litanies to the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and preparation for Communion. It will also effectively reduce thanksgiving after Communion to a sham.

15.    Remove all statues and pictures of Angels. Why have statues 
of our enemies around? Call it a myth or a bedtime story.

16.    Eliminate the Minor Order of Exorcist, for expelling Devils. Work hard on this one. Sell the idea that there is not a real Devil. Say it is the Bible’s way of representing evil, and there can’t be a good story without a villain. Then they will not believe in Hell either, and will never be afraid of going there. Say that Hell is nothing more but being away from God, and what is so bad about that?

17.    Teach that Jesus was only a human, who had brothers and sisters, and He hated the establishment. Say that He loved the company of prostitutes, especially Mary Magdalene. Say that He had no use for Churches or Synagogues.

18.   Remember that you can cause Nuns to quit, by appealing to their vanity, charm and beauty; make them change their Habits, which will automatically make them throw away their Rosaries. Show the world that there is dissention in their Convents, and vocations will dry up.

19.    Burn all Catechisms. Tell religion teachers to teach love of God’s people, instead of love of God. Tell them it is mature, to love openly. Make sex a common word in Religion Classes. Make sex a new Religion.

20.   Close all Catholic Schools by reducing the number of Nun’s vocations. Say that Nuns are just underpaid social workers, and the Church is getting rich off of them.

21.   Destroy the Pope by destroying his Empire of Universities. Separate universities from the Pope by saying that the government would then be glad to give them grants of money. Change the names of religious institutions to profane names, such as Immaculate Conception School to Compton Heights School. Call it Ecumenical.

22.   Attack the Pope’s authority, by setting an age limit on his services. Reduce this gradually. Say that you are keeping him from being overworked.

23.   Be bold, weaken the Pope by setting up a Bishop’s Synod. The Pope will then be a figurehead, as England is ruled by the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The King takes orders from them. Then weaken the Bishop’s authority by setting up a counterpart at the Priest’s level. Say that the Priests are finally getting the recognition they deserve. Then weaken the Priest’s authority by setting up lay groups to boss the Priests. There will be so much hatred developed, that even Cardinals will leave the Church. Say that the Church is now Democratic. Praise the New Collegiality.

24. Reduce Priest’s vocations by losing the respect of the Laity.  One scandal of a Priest in politics will lose thousands of vocations.  Praise fallen away Priests, who give up everything for the love of a woman.  Call them heroic.  Honor laicized Priests, as true martyrs who were being so oppressed that they couldn’t take it any longer.

25. Start closing Churches, because of lack of Priests, call it economizing, and good business practice.  Say that God listens to prayers anywhere, so Churches are extravagant.

26. Use Lay Commissions and weak faith Priests to quickly condemn and disapprove of any new apparitions of the Blessed Mother or any alleged miracles, especially of St. Michael, the Archangel. Be absolutely certain that none whatever get approval after Vatican II. Then call it disobedience to authority if anybody follows the messages, or repeats them or EVEN THINKS about them.

27. Pass a law to disband the Curia each time a new Pope comes in. This is certain to insure that the Curia will contain many radicals and modernists.

28. Elect an Anti-Pope. Say that he will bring the Protestants back into the Church, and maybe even the Jews. Anti-Pope can be elected by giving the vote to the Bishops. There will be so many Popes nominated that an Anti-Pope will get in as a compromise Pope.

29. Eliminate Confession before first Holy Communion for 2nd and 3rd Grade children, so that they will not bother about Confession before Communion when they get into 4th or 5th or higher grades either. Confession will then disappear.

30. Get women and laity to give Communion, say that this is the Age of the Laity. Start giving Communion in the hand like the Protestants, instead of on the tongue – say that Christ did it this way.  Collect some for Satanic Masses. Then replace individual Communion by a bowl of wafers, to be taken on leaving the Church.  Say that they will then carry God’s gift into their daily lives.  Install Communion vending machines, call them Tabernacles.

31. After Anti-Pope reigns, disband Synod of Bishops, Priest’s Unions, and lay advisor groups. Forbid any Religious to engage in politics without permission.  Say that God loves humility, and hates glory seekers.

32. Give supreme power to Pope, to select his successors.  Order the Mark of the Beast on all true lovers of God, under pain of excommunication.

33. Declare all former Church Dogmas false, except the Dogma of Infallibility.  State that Jesus Christ was a revolutionary that didn’t make it. Say that the true Christ will soon come.

34. Order all subjects of the Pope, to fight in Holy Crusades to spread the One World Religion. Satan knows where all lost gold is! Ruthlessly conquer the world. This will give to humanity, what they have always yearned for the Golden Age of Peace.

Messages from our Lord Jesus and Mama Mary

SATAN  DELUDES  THEM"Know that when they have given over My Church to the world, and as satan deludes them to unite all into a one-world religion and a one-world government, you are enslaved and it is the end!" - Jesus, April 2, 1977

INTERNATIONAL  CONSPIRACY"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
Excerpt from tldm

More on Catholic Church here