Saturday, February 8, 2014

Are you a Child/Bride of God or Satan's?

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Life on earth is a journey, in preparation for the life from hereafter, eternal suffering or eternal bliss with the God the Father. Where are you now, enjoying what this world offers, without a thought of the consequence.

People with the world often say "I am still young to think of the after life. Enjoy while I can."

But do you know your time when you will exit this world? Death could come at anytime: at infancy, childhood, adulthood, midlife or senior years. It could come in any manner: accident, sickness.  
Your life could be snuffed out without self preparation for the next stage. In case of death after a lingering sickness, you are fortunate  because you have an ample time to prepare. But if if you are at the portal of death without knowing the direction to take, wouldn't you be fearful of what to expect? If you are long past exercising the good traits (listed below) you have to acquire to assure you of meeting God in heaven , ask God's mercy to forgive you of your sins, as well as you forgiving the people who have hurt you. Ask God to direct your ways and not to forsake you.
Remove all the items on your body/home that defile you like amulet, graven images, astrology, gambling paraphernalia, sorcery,  superstitious beliefs. There is no good Wicca in the eyes of God.

Remember, Jesus is redeemer of sinners not the righteous. He forgives as long as you ask for forgiveness with all sincerity. He knows your heart.

These Are The Characteristics Of My Bride!
These Are The Characteristics Of The Children Of Satan!
My Bride
The Children of Satan

Loving and kind
Much unresolved hate, malice and internal conflicts

Greedy, selfish, covetous


Unfaithful in many ways

Long-suffering, patient

Even tempered
Angry / Accusing

Liars / Manipulators

Often boisterous

Meek / Humble
Proud / Haughty

Abrasive / Harsh / Raucous

Quick to forget the goodness of others, unthankful, argumentative, accusing, looking for errors in others

Peace Loving
Do not like peace and quiet

Slow to anger
Quick to anger

Love Me above all
Very difficult for these to know Me or love Me! May Talk a lot about Me, but know Me not!

Will hold their tongues about hurt, or speak with a very trusted Friend. Always praying about hurts or concerns
Will broadcast hurt, imagined or real to anyone, who will listen. Purveyors of gossip and lies!

Peaceful spirit and home!
Chaotic home environment! Always trouble!

Will be faithful Friend to Others
Will be Unfaithful to All Friends

Faithful to do what they promise
Will promise and not carry through on their promises

Disciplined in their lives
Undisciplined in many ways

Obey My commandments
Not concerned about obeying My commandments

Pray always about all things
Seldom pray; and if so, not from the heart

Read and Study Scriptures for Love of Me
May know scriptures well, or not at all, but if so May beat others with scriptures, or use them to manipulate others

Teachable spirits, Hunger for Truth!
Resist truth, resist Me! Want to hear the good things! Will accept truth if it parallels their own thinking!

Long to walk in righteousness, To be clean vessels.
Long to be right, to be right is most important to These! Want to be in control!

Desire My Perfect will in their lives
Want their own will, their own way, high minded, Will not easily listen to guidance

Repent daily; truly sorry for their sins!
Will not easily admit that they are wrong, however, Some may often admit their wrongs, but have no Real guilt for their wrongs! Not genuinely sorry for Their wrongs!
Weep for their sins
Seldom weep for their sins! Will weep, but often for Control of others. And, may weep for sins when Backed into a corner.

Truly enjoy helping others
Enjoy helping themselves

Sex unimportant, or has a Minor place in their lives
Sex very important, especially all kinds Of sexual perversions

No addictions of any kind
May have multiple addictions, yet also be in denial About any or all of them.

Will help other in distress, Concerned for downtrodden, distressed
Will trample the weak and hurting; unconcerned, for lost and these love power and control

Dislike the limelight
Like to be the center of attention

Cannot be trusted! Will not keep their word!

Quick to help or give to My works
Will not give to My works, except for show!

Love life; and will protect life of others
Killers of life, murderers

Live simple
Lives Hedonistic, like to have a good time

Have come out of the world
Love the world and all that is in it!

Quiet, serene spirits, cherish the quiet of My Spirit
Love the noise of the world; restless, troubled spirits, Busybodies

Warring, like to stir up trouble

Quick to forgive
Hold grudges, and will not forgive

Love Me above all and show their love towards by obeying My commandments for Me
May talk of loving Me, but show their lack of love Me by disobeying My commandments

Want Me to be in control
Hunger for power and control over others
