Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A viewer of Give us this Day program of Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ gave this testimony:

Said viewer was the secretary of an  alleged  jueteng (gambling) lord killed in an encounter in Atimonan,  Quezon.

She  dreamed that her boss asked why he was not shared the teachings of Pastor Quiboloy. She answered that she did not share because he might not believe her.
The boss said that he should have tried and given him the benefit of the doubt. Now he is in hell suffering, together with famous people and a leader of a big religion.

We have to reach out to people who are in prison of deception of Satan. He is real but does not want to manifest himself because he wants the people to believe that there is no Satan, that it is just a product of our imagination. I myself fell into this trap.

Deception started when he enticed our first parents, Adam and Eve to disobey God. From that time on, they were driven from the garden of Eden, out of the presence of God.

So the seed of disobedience was implanted in us, making us the son of the devil. We lost our sonship of God.

God wants to redeem us through Pastor Quiboloy. He heard the voice of God when he was in Korea in the 70s, the lone Philippine representative sent by his former denomination under Billy Graham.

 He heard the voice of the FATHER, saying, “gamiton taka”, a Cebuano dialect meaning,  “I will use you.”

He got his revelations/teachings directly from God in six years in two mountains in Davao.
When he completed his spiritual education, God said: “now you are my son, and I’ll send you throughout the world. True to God's promise Pastor Quiboloy has conquered the world, now in over 200 countries and counting. (That is why he is called the Appointed Son of God. God entrusted him  the salvation of mankind.)

Even in  Iran, and other Muslim countries where the Bible was forbidden, people were enlightened through television/satellite of smni.

I thought I was an entrenched Catholic. But through constant watching Pastor Quiboloy via Sonshine Media Network free TV 39 or via live streaming of www.smni.com, I was enlightened.

I got out of the Catholic Church fast before I am overtaken by death. What reinforced my belief is the diluted truth about the Catholic Church on the commandments of GOD, particularly triune GOD, and the many doctrines and traditions which set aside the Word of the Father. Even the very elect, starting from the Pope, were deceived by Satan.

Constantine the Great in an effort to unite the ROMAN empire, instigated Athanasius, a theologian, to convene the Nicene Council, and Nicene Creed came in existence.
They could not stop the Christians from worshiping one god. Tortures would not stop them. So Constantine’s plan was put into motion. It is still a Pagan worship. To pacify the worshipers of one god, and the pagan worshipers of multi gods, the triune god was born.

I am enlightened, so I tried to reach out to my loved ones, but it has fallen on deaf ears.
I am praying that through the miracle of God, as He has promised me in 2003, when I asked Him what His plan for me was. The answer came  through Luke: Do not be afraid. From now on you will be fishers of men.” ...

SMNI is airing 24/7 live with replays. For their schedule go to www.kingdomofjesuschrist.org.