Friday, April 23, 2010

Are you an atheist or an agnostic?

If you are an atheist or an agnostic, please read this reflection from Fr. Steve Tynan,MGL, from beginning to end.


The question with which Peter responds to Jesus’ own question if they, His apostles, would stay or leave, is one that we would do well to ponder every time we think about abandoning our faith for anything else. It is the most sobering of all questions as the answer is frighteningly stark. If Jesus is not the answer, then God help us, if there is a God. To abandon faith in Christ is really to abandon the understanding that there is a God because if Jesus, the one sent by the Father to redeem humanity, is not worthy of being followed and obeyed, it is impossible to conceive of a better option!
Yes, people reject belief in God all the time these days but I tend to think that a lot of them are rejecting a particular concept of God they have constructed that is not worthy of belief in the first place. To have full knowledge of God, of who He is and what He offers us, and then reject Him, is virtually inconceivable to me. There are people who seem to walk this path as well, but they are very few and their salvation is in grave doubt. It is not a path to be recommended to or by anyone.
Peter’s answer tells us that deep down, he and the other disciples have realized that there is something in their faith in Jesus that has become irrefutable to them and they are willing to stake their lives on it. And they will, as the opportunity for martyrdom arises in all of their lives except John. We capture here something of the essence of faith — that it is a relationship with a living person, God. It is neither an abstract concept nor an optional extra for our lives. Faith is essential to our humanity and until we discover it personally there will always be a type of restlessness within. It is quite easy to see this restlessness within the lives of so-called atheists; how I wish it were just as easy to be able to reveal it to them and show them the solution. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
What part does faith play in my life? Have I really given over everything I am to my faith response to God or do I still seek to control certain aspects of my life?

Father, You have created us to be in relationship with You and we will be restless until we respond in faith to Your love.

St. Egbert, pray for us.

My eldest son and middle son are an atheist and an agnostic. I pray unceasingly for them, that they may see the light of Jesus before the Lord's second coming.

Here is the message of our Lord Jesus through Vassula Ryden of

Vassula write the word aids,


Yes, replace it by the word Justice; 2 My Chalice of Mercy has brimmed over, and My Chalice of Justice is full, do not let It brim over! I have told you before that the world is offending Me, I am a God of Love but I am also known to be a God of Justice; I loathe atheism!