Sunday, March 31, 2013

“The Farewell Race”

Are you one of he 144,000 supernatural army  mentioned in Joel chapter 2 of the scriptures, the firstfruits that will be removed by God from earth?  Read on, from Book 12 of the mountain prophecies.

“The Farewell Race”

"My Precious Brothers and Sisters, I am sharing with you a most beautiful dream, which our Father in Heaven gave to our Dear Brother in Sweden.  He is now a very youthful 71 years of age and one might not know on meeting him that he was once a champion marathon runner! He was a championship marathon runner for Sweden, and he has won other marathon races as well. He is very tall and has the long legs of a marathon runner and he still jogs, even at his age.  So, it is most fitting that our Father in Heaven would give him this beautiful dream; and I have asked his permission to share it with you, as this dream also involves you!

In this dream, he dreamt that he was running his last marathon race, a farewell race.  At half time, he was one and one half minutes ahead of the others, but he thought that he was ahead only by a few seconds.

There was a break at halftime, which would not occur in a marathon race in the real world, but this dream was not of this world!  At this break, which seemed to him to be about fifteen minutes, he told of how he spent time with the others, as they laughed and enjoyed themselves.  As it was time to resume the marathon and to finish the race, he joked to them that he would be three minutes in the lead, after only two kilometres, which he was quick to tell me, would never happen in real life.  But, as I said, this was not a real life dream, but a heavenly dream; and these things can be done in heavenly dreams.

He said that they all got back into the race after half time, that they all finished the race and that no one was tired at all!  Blessed is the Holy Name of our Lord and God.

What this dream means for each of us!

My Dear Ones, it is now around half time, the middle point of the seven years of tribulation.  And, soon, very soon, the marathon runners, the 144,000, the supernatural army, which is mentioned in Joel Chapter Two, will be removed from the Earth!  These are the firstfruits.  These first souls, who are to be removed very soon, will get a rest for one and one half years and then they will get back into the race. But, this rest to them will seem like about only fifteen minutes, as there is no time in heaven as there is time in this earth. 

It is also important to note that this marathon runner is ahead of the rest by one and one half years! This tells us that after one and one half years, or so, there will be others, who are also taken. And, this is as our Father has told us in recent revelations in Book Twelve, that within this last three and one half years, that He will take others, according to His good pleasure!  And, from this, we can see that His harvest will be on-going, according to His own wishes!  So, this 1 ½ unit is important for two reasons.  First, for the length of the rest in Heaven for these firstfruits, which is for one and one half years, and then for the timing of the removal of more souls! But, more may also be removed well before this, if this is the good wishes of our Father in Heaven, for we are speaking of an on-going harvest!

His joke is not really a joke, but an important indicator of how much time is really left when these 144,000 are put back into the race. After their rest of one and one half years, they will be sent from heaven via the interdimensional portals, back into the Earth; and they will fight on behalf of the people. They will run and not get tired and this is from the Book of Joel, Chapter Two. 

Through his words in his joking manner, He is telling us that there are two years left in the race (two kilometres)! This from his words of being able to run two kilometres in only three minutes! The three minutes tell us that the three and one half years may very well be shortened to three years! 

So, the remaining three and one half years of the tribulation may actually be shortened to three years.  For, he says that after two kilometres, the two remaining years, that he may actually finish it in three minutes. In other words, this race may not be for a total of 3 ½ years, but only three!

So, after one and one half years of being out of the earth, this supernatural army will come back into the Earth to fight on behalf of those, who are left!  And, they shall be greatly needed as Lucifer will bring forth his robotoid soldiers and they will heartlessly kill and destroy!

My Dear Ones, take note of this beautiful dream and remember these words as people will be in great need of this Supernatural Army when it does come! And, many will wish to give up as the persecution will be so great! But, our Lord and God will not leave you without His Help. You must pray and walk in repentance, love and forgiveness; for all will be tried and tested as to their faith!

The Laser beam attacks!

Because of what I wrote in Book Eleven regarding the evil ones, they persecuted me greatly, firing many, many laser beams into this house and into my body. They also burned my legs and other parts of my body, including my chest and lungs with microwave weapons!  Most of these lasers and microwaves were sent into this house via the orange and multicoloured aerial craft, which never leave this area! These assuredly belong to Satan, himself; for as I have told you, he has been cast down totally.  But, George Bush also sent high-flying jets over this house for most of a day and well into the morning hours of the next day and they fired laser beams through the roof of the house!  My Dear Ones, these beams are very dangerous and they can kill and/or wound one severely! 

I filed a complaint with Faulkner County Sheriff’s department, about these high-flying jets firing these lasers into this house, but they did not want to take this complaint.  I had to go through about five officers, and this process took all day, before any of them would even take a complaint about this torture. 

During this assault, I put tin foil over some of the windows! As the lasers passed through the tin foil, they made small holes in the foil. These lasers burned my body like the sting of a jellyfish and they caused great pain!  They also burned my legs to the bone and this also caused great pain. But, the most beautiful news, my Dear Ones, is that our Lord and God healed me of every pain. He healed me of every burned place and of every laser wound, and some of them went all the way through my knees. These evil ones hit me in both eyes with lasers, but our Father in Heaven totally healed my eyes.

My Dear Ones, as I have told you, Satan has been totally cast down! And, it will not be long before he brings his antigravity machines up out of the earth and he will use them to terrorize the people with laser attacks.  You will have no defense against these beams, as they can go right through walls. They can go right through the roofs. They can go right through the windows.  Your only hope comes through our Lord and God. He is able to heal you, but he may allow you to go through this great torture, just as He allowed me to go through it all. He is able to heal all of these terrible burns and wounds; however, you must walk in obedience. You must walk in faith and you must love Him above all! You must truly honor Him! You must put Him first and then He is bound to you!

Revelation 9:10-11 And, they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.  And, they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Get Geared up to Finish the Race!

My Dear Ones, you must get geared up to finish this beautiful farewell race! You must live only for our Lord and God! And, when you do, He is bound to you; and He will hear your cries! He will heal you and He will bless you in ways that you cannot now expect; for He loves you so!  And, true to His word, He is now sending His Son back for all, who truly do love and honor Him and His Precious Son. The time is very soon, my Dear Ones!"

I send you big hugs and lots of love!  Jesus loves you and I do too! Your Sis, Linda

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Chip on your Hand or Forehead

Revelations 13:15-18
15 It was then permitted to breathe life into the beast's image, so that the beast's image could speak and (could) have anyone who did not worship it put to death.
16 It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads,
17 so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast's name or the number that stood for its name.
18 Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

why you should refuse to be micro chipped..

Satan is among us and he wants to control us  by implanting his mark 666, or the chip on our forehead or on our hand. This idolatry, idolizing material things, Satan himself!

You will not be allowed to buy anything or avail of services without this mark.
It's your choice:  short suffering on earth or erternal damnation-suffering in the eternal lake of fire without

Friday, March 29, 2013

“The Harvest of the First Fruits”

The harvest of first fruits (pure souls)   is  imminent. BE READY! Heed the advice of Sis Linda Newkirk which follows:

“The Harvest of the First Fruits”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I send you my heartfelt love on this beautiful, but cold day in December as the very first snow heads this way, with subsequent temperatures predicted to be in the tens and single digits.  Truly, the words of our Lord and God about a very cold and harsh winter are coming true right before our very eyes!

My Dear Ones, you need to know about the on-going stream of visions, which our Lord and God is giving me about the soon, very soon harvest of the pure souls!  Not only has He given me almost daily visions about this imminent harvest almost daily for the last two weeks, but He has also given me a very prophetic dream! In this dream, He showed me that Satan is fully cast down now!  In this ream, He also showed me the return of our Saviour in the East and alongside Him was a full moon.  I do not know for sure the meaning of this full moon, but our Lord and God knows.  However, as I saw in this dream, the return of our Saviour is veiled! It is hidden! It is cloaked; and very few will witness it or know about it at all.  These clean souls, who are taken, will just simply vanish, some as they work alongside others!

The harvest of these clean souls, the harvest of the first fruits, signals the beginning of the last three and one half years. Simultaneous with this harvest, I also expect to see something very terrible happen in this Earth, whether calamities in the Earth, or military attacks, or both.

This first harvest is just that, the first harvest. Read our Father in Heaven’s previous words in Book Twelve about this on-going harvest of the pure souls. He tells us that He will take others according to His good pleasure!

Dear Ones, times are about to get very bad in America and in the whole world. Live not for this world, but for your great and beautiful inheritance in the most beautiful world to come!  Love others and forgive them for everything!  As you do this, you will walk in such freedom! 

Get ready, my Dear Ones, and stay ready; for you truly do not know when our Lord and God comes for you!

I send love and big, big hugs to each you!

Jesus is our Most Beautiful Way home,
Your Sis, Linda

Go to Harvest for more. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

“Three Beautiful Visions!”

Linda Newkirk had three visions from God about people in shining white robe who are awaiting to cross over an abyss through a bridge. Read the excerpt from REVELATION 12 AND THE COMING OF THE KINGDOM OF OUR SAVIOUR, chapter 3. The redemptuon  of His obedient sons and daughters is near!

“Three Beautiful Visions!”

“My Blessed Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Yahweh, Most High God!  My Little One, within less than one week, I have given you three beautiful visions and these three beautiful visions all have to do with the soon return of My Son for the firstfruits, for the virgins, for His Beautiful Bride!  And, I wish, My Child, that you write these visions, as well as you remember them, and the times of these visions, as well as you remember the specific dates, so that all of My People will have this information!  For, truly the time of the redemption of these few draws nigh, and I therefore wish for you to publish all; for I am true to My word, that I will soon send My Son back for these Pure Ones. And, shortly thereafter, as you have seen in visions, I will send Him back for a few others, who are white. And, thereafter, until the return of My Son in the final defeat of Lucifer, I will also take a few, now and then, whose robes are then white, and these will be taken also as I so desire it, and as I direct it. For, I am a merciful God, one of great love and mercy, and no one knows what I will do! 

And, give this vision both to the few, and to the many, who visit the website, that all may know that this time is at hand.  And, by now the firstfruits have heard the call, but few others have heard it.  However, there are a few others and these I speak to now!  For, they have also heard the call, and they have lived worthy!  So, write these visions on this, My Sabbath Day, and prepare to give these to these few and put them in Book Twelve on the website, for these are very important visions!”

“Yes, my Father, I will do this, and soon also, so that all have these visions!  Does it matter whether I put these visions on the website first, or whether they go first to the few?”

“My Little One, it will be best to move forward and put these on the website as soon as possible. I bless you in this, My Child; for I love you greatly. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, yea Yahweh, Most High God.”

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 26th day of November, 2005,

                                                                                                                                                            Linda Newkirk
white Buffalo Calf Woman
First Vision 
“The Ship is in the Harbor!” 
November 21, 2005

Tonight, I was praying with a dear friend over the telephone, when after a while of praying in “tongues,” I came the feet of our Saviour. It is ALWAYS such a beautiful blessing to be in His presence; and after our Saviour blessed me and my friend with spiritual blessings and anointings, I asked Him if He had a message for us!  I did not know that my dear friend was also praying for revelation at the same time that I was praying!

Then, our Saviour said to me, “As I have told you!  Love one another and forgive one another!”  And, then, so very unexpectedly He showed me a white ship, which was parked in the harbor at night!  This was a radiantly beautiful white ship, which glowed with a beautiful, white light. And, on the side of the ship were the words, “Wedding Feast.”

Outside, beyond the ship, all was very dark!  There were no streetlights! No car lights!  No lights, not even in any houses!  I saw no lights other than the beautiful and radiant light of this most magnificent ship!   But, in the darkness, I could see a line of people, which was beginning to form in front of this ship, a short line now, but still a line and as they milled around, I could catch the shimmering whites of their robes as they expectedly awaited the boarding of this most beautiful ship! 

Then, I looked down from above, as I was carried up now by the Spirit of God, and I could well see others, who were making their way quietly, yet quickly to this waiting ship! And, as they hurried in the streets and byways below, I could also catch a radiance, which emanated from their robes, even in the darkness!  Yes, they were all in a hurry now to make it to this ship and to get in this line, which was now forming!  But, no one was boarding yet, as there was no way to board the ship!  But, the line was indeed forming, and the people were indeed rushing to get into this line!  But, they came alone, and not in great numbers, all others unaware of this most important event, which was truly taking place in the darkness of the night!

Then, our Saviour said to me, “The call has gone out. The call has gone out; and if people have not heard it, if they have not made themselves ready, if they have not made themselves clean, they will soon miss the boat!”
                                                                Second Beautiful Vision
“The Radiant Bridge!”
November 23, 2005

When I received this vision, I was again praying with a dear friend over the telephone.   In this vision, I saw many souls, who were dressed in white, and who were gathered on the other side of a dark abyss, all expectedly awaiting the time when those, who were on this side of the abyss, might also cross over. For on this side of the abyss, were also many souls, all gathered in anticipation of the time when they could cross over this abyss and meet these other clean and white souls!  But, at this moment, there was no way for those on this side to cross over! However, as I looked in the Spirit, I saw forming in the Spirit a beautiful, white and radiant bridge. This bridge was now only made of Spirit, but I knew that soon, very soon, this bridge would materialize and the souls on this side would be able to cross over and meet these other beautiful souls on the other side!  Praises to our Father in Heaven; for this time gets very near!
Third Beautiful Vision
“Angels Building the Radiant Bridge”
November 25, 2005

On the night of the 25th day of November of 2005, as I was praying once again with a dear friend over the telephone, I saw in another vision, these dear souls, many on this side, and many on the other side of the great abyss.  I saw that many of these beautiful souls, who were dressed in radiant white, on the other side of this great abyss, were now assembled into beautiful, heavenly choirs and all around them beautifully radiant gardens.  And between these souls and those on this side now appeared a beautifully ornate and radiant bridge, spanning the width of the abyss. And, the angels were busy assembling it according to divine blueprints. This radiant and beautiful bridge made a great archway as it moved up high above the abyss and connected to the other side.  The foundation of the bridge was completed and what was left was the remaining assembly and the bridge; and from all appearances this would soon be complete. 

These beautiful souls on this side, who were arrayed in the most beautiful of white robes, stood now in double file as they awaited the time of the great crossing over.  All of them had in their hands a spiritual book and all awaited quietly and reverently as this magnificent bridge was nearing completion.  I watched as this great double line of radiantly white souls wound its way up and down hills, all of these souls quietly and eagerly awaiting the completion of this most beautiful bridge! 

It was some minutes later, after having received this vision, that I so plainly recalled how the animals boarded the Ark, and into safety! Two by two, they went into the ark.  Blessed is the Holy Name of our Father Yahweh, for His word is True and Pure! And, blessed is His Most Precious Son, our Dear Saviour, for He is coming back and soon for the virgins!

Look up, my Dear Ones, for your redemption surely draws nigh!

Monday, March 25, 2013

“Satan is Cast Down!”

Satan is REAL! May God protect  us against his wiles and persecution. He is powerful. Man, without the protection of God, is powerless. So, always be on the narrow and straight path, seek God’s protection.

Here is an excerpt from Book 12, chapter 2 of Revelation 12 And The Coming Of The Kingdom Our Saviour On Earth! of Linda Newkirk.

“My Little One, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, yea Yahweh, Most High God.  Blessed are you, My Little One; for I have called you and I have chosen you for a very important work. And, though your trials have been great and continue to be great, you are faithful, My Little One!  For, you know well and you truly understand My great love for you, and that I am always with you!  Yes, My Child, I am always with you, even to the end; for I love you so!

And, now, My Little One, come terrible times into the Earth, as never in the history of the Earth; for Satan is fully cast down from the Upper Realms, he and all of his minions.  He cannot get out and grows angrier by the day, angry at you, My Little One; for I have sent you on many occasions to shut down the interdimensional portals and gateways; for you have truly paid the price!

But, now, My Little One, he is very angry with you, and Satan, Lucifer, the devil, himself, comes to make war with you!  His dedicated and robotoid children and slaves come to make war with you for the same reasons; for their conquests and travels have been extensive in this solar system and even outside of it.  But, now they are all trapped in this Earth and unable to leave, and only because of the work, which I have called you to do; and you have well done as I have asked you and guided you to do!

Yet, now, My Little One, you are in a true face-off with Lucifer, himself, and surrounded by and stalked by his own in their “saucer” aerial crafts! For, Lucifer, the Prince of the Air, is now visible regularly in the airspace over Arkansas, and even other parts on a nearly daily basis.  But, he has determined to cripple you, to tire you and defeat you through his many hourly and daily assaults to the point that you give up and he is thereby the victor over My Son and His Kingdom.  For, you are the spiritual mother of Revelation 12 and he knows this and has known it for a very long time.  But, at the same time, he has thought to be able to control you as I, myself, allowed him to make you a slave for him in the time portals and interdimensional passages. But, he, in his pride and arrogance, was utterly ignorant of the fact that I would indeed use you after the 50 years of slavery to shut him totally out of these very portals!  For, you, My Little One, know these portals very well.  You have travelled all of their known portals, and many, many others; for I esteem you greatly in My Kingdom and I have allowed you this privilege for a very long time.  Truly, My Child, I can say and this should be without so much as a single doubt in your mind, that you were indeed their best time traveller, ever, so much that they took some of your eggs and created offspring of you, whom they have also enslaved in their time portals!  But, not any more; as I have sent you recently to shut all remaining, potential exits of escape; so they now have no escape; but Lucifer believes that somehow he can still extract from your memories, or from your dreams the manners in which these portals were closed, thereby causing you to open them again.  But, he cannot, as this information is forever gone and this process, when done, is complete. And, this is my truth!

But, from day to day, he gets angrier and more desperate in his bid to escape this Earth and you, My Beloved Child, are now standing face to face against Lucifer as he parks his aerial craft over your area, as he is there to spy on you, to harass you, and to plot your torture and demise from day to day.  Yes, My Little One, the Prince of the Air is in the skies over Arkansas and who is the wiser? For, even you, My Child, have been watching him for over six weeks, without knowing for sure who, or what this is in the sky!  Yes, a white light radiance, hovering in the Arkansas skies, a fallen star, indeed; but no morning star for sure, but a star of the evening, a star of the night, as he frets out his last few years, even on the surface of the Earth.  For, the burning pits await him and his, and he knows it!

Now, My Little One, you know that I gave you a new sceptre and a new sword, with a brilliance, unlike anything that you have ever possessed; and I told you also, My Child, that I will now empower you and will cause you to ride Lucifer’s back and to beat him, My Child!  Yes, to whip him severely!  And, now is the time! For he has taken the liberty to implant you with terrible implant devices, even deep in your tissues and to send burning pains into your body, into your arms, hands, head, feet, legs and especially your knees. And he thinks to get away with all, believing that you are powerless to do a thing, but once again he has underestimated Me; for as always he is full of mocking, pride and arrogance!  But, he will soon find out that My wrath and ire are raised against him and his for total defeat and he surely knows that I will fight for My own and in ways that he often does not expect!

So, My Child, this is what I will now do as Lucifer has done to you as he has; thinking himself justified as you closed the portals!  But, he is not justified to touch you at all; for this, as he enslaved you for 50 years and you, My Child, are fully justified!  And, to0, because he has done as he has without any cause whatsoever, I now give you My power to retaliate against him for this torture.  Take My fiery sword and cut off Lucifer’s lower legs, who are in truth two of his most important “gophers”, as you would say, in this Earth. (“Gopher”, Go for this and go for that!)   For, what he tells them to do, they do, and with lightening-like speed; for they are greatly evil and utterly despised the world over!  But, they have long ago sold their souls to Lucifer and he gives them more and more power, prestige and money to do this great evils!  And, these two, My Little One, hate you with a great hate, and have done many terrible things to you, torturing you and stalking you up and down the world. But, now I empower you to cut off these two lower legs at the knees.”

“Yes, my Father, I take this great and fiery sword, and I cut off these two lower legs at the knees; and as they fall, my Father, it is most interesting to see that they are both hollow and full of darkness!  And, oh what a stench, like the death and dying of thousands of pounds of “road kill” in each one!  Now, Father, what shall I do with them?”

“Pick them up, one at a time, and throw them into the Lake of Fire.”

“Yes, my Father.  So, I take first the right leg, and it is a little longer than the left, and I move to the now-open orifice of the burning lake and I toss it into the fiery lake!  And, what a loud explosion this makes, with great crackling of the fire as well, and thereafter also a great howling!  And, after this one, I pick up the other lower leg and this one smells by far worse than the other one; and I lift it now to throw it into the Lake of Fire!  But, as I lift this lower leg to toss it into this roaring fire, a small amount of putrid, black liquid falls down at my feet. But, I do not hesitate, in spite of this, and I toss this hollow, rotten leg into the lake of fire!  However, at my feet is this small amount of putrid, black liquid and I do not know what I am to do with this. I look to make sure that none of it got on me, and I can see that not one drop of it touched me. Praises to our Blessed Father in Heaven!  “My Father, what should I do with this?”

But, before our Father in Heaven could even answer my question, from behind me comes now Lucifer, the two horned-devil; and he goes quickly down on his knees, and down onto the floor with lightening-like speed. And, there he hurriedly slurps up the black and putrid liquid and there is not one drop left! His tongue truly is split and I stare in amazement at what I am beholding!  Now, up on his feet, Lucifer stands and stares at me, a wild beast of a lizard! Then, he turns into a black-haired man, with olive skin and black eyes, which sparkle!  But, even in his white suit, his tail still protrudes from behind!  He really looks almost identical to Benny Hinn, so much so that I am shocked!  Then, back to the lizard again, as he turns and leaps off!  “Oh, my Father, what was that about?”

“My Child, it was about power!  He does not want one drop of his power spilled, even in death!  And, as this fell at your feet, he felt that you would somehow dispose of this bit of power; and he could not allow that!”

“And, this ‘The Benny Hinn’ look?”

“Just know one thing, my Child. With his white suit and lying signs and wonders, Benny Hinn has served him well!  Watch ‘Benny Hinn,’ for you have indeed witnessed something important!”

“And, Benny Hinn is of Muslim descent?”

“And so it is, My Little One. Go in My peace and love and know that the whole world will soon see the demise of these two most important lower legs. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Yahweh, Most High God!”

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 24th day of November, 2005
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

Sunday, March 24, 2013

God's Advice to Men/Graduates

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction

If we keep in mind our Lord Almighty and follow His commandments, we would always walk in the right path, blessing our aspirations, studies, work, our family.

Proverbs  4:5-1
5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.

6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.

7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.

9 She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.

10 Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many.

11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

12 When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.

13 Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.

14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.
Proverbs 4:15-21 

15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.

16 For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.

17 For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.

18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

19 The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
Proverbs 4:22-27 

22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. 

For more of God's guidance in our life,  go to King James Bible

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Funny Court Exchanges



These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS:      He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS:      My name is Susan!
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS:      Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS:      No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS:      July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS:      Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS:      Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS:      Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
WITNESS:      Yes.
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS:      I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep,
he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS:      Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS:      He's 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS:      Are you shitting me?
 the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
WITNESS:      Yes.
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS:      Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children , right?
WITNESS:      Yes.
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
WITNESS:      None.
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS:      Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a
new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS:      By death..
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS:      Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS:      He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS:     Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition
notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS:      No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS:      All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
WITNESS:      Oral...
ATTORNEY:  Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS:      The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS:      If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS:      Are you qualified to ask that question?
And last:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
WITNESS:      No.
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
WITNESS:      No.
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
WITNESS:      No..
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you
began the autopsy?
WITNESS:      No.
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS:      Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS:      Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

(thanks Bobby for sharing.)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

“The Pearls of Holiness”

The judgment of God is progressing for the wicked America. He comes with a whip! Pray for His mercy. REPENT!

This is an excerpt from hew Book 12. chapter 78, of the messages of God through Linda Newkirk. His second message.

“My Blessed Child, I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Blessed are you, My Little One; for you are called and chosen to be the spiritual mother of My Sons. Yet, My Little One, you have travailed greatly through so many years of persecution; and many ask, “Where is she, what is she doing? She is silent. We have not heard from her.” Still others say, “Good that she is quiet. Enough of that manchild stuff and Revelation Twelve stuff.” And, still the mockers mock and the scorners scorn. Yet, some few all over the world have believed and they desire to receive their own holy, little Son and therby to become My true sons.

Yet, My Child, have I not given you much to post? Have you not written much, that they might be fed? Have I not sent you, and you have run, and you have warned them for many years to repent, or perish; yet few hear and few repent. Yet, My Child, even if I were to reveal to you the deepest and most hidden mysteries of the Universe, few would believe; and most would mock and trample what is holy and truly of Me. Is this not what they have done with My holy works of Revelation Twelve?

You have cast out My pearls of holiness and you have written of your great travails and suffering beneath the feet of Satan, your great price to pay for being My Bride and the earth mother of My very first Son. Yes, you told the truth, you have written it; yet they still rise up to tell that you write for Satan and that you are insane. They deride you and curse you and My holy works.

Yes, you have cast out the pearls and the swine have trampled them. And, few believe, but of the few, who do know the truths of these works and who do believe, know one thing. They could only believe because I caused them to see, to know, and to receive the truths of these holy works. And, the greatest numbers of these, who know the truths of these works and who do believe, are not of this nation of America; for this is a decadent nation, a great whore, who truly does sit upon many waters.

However, my words to you, who do know the truths of these works, and who do believe are these: stay close to Me. Love Me above all. Love others and love yourselves. Forgive all and find My holy place and stay in it. For, Satan is watching each of you, that he finds, and he is laying snares for you by the minute, by the hour, and by the day. Let go of your pride. Let go of your arrogance. Let go of your vanities. Die to self and to the things of the world. Stop your vain pursuits. Do not be disrespectful before Me; for if you do and will not repent, I will cut you off from My Spirit and cast you headlong into confusion. Stop being know-it-alls. You know little and what you are so certain of may turn out to be a lie. Come out of the world and away from worldly traps; for if you will not, you will fall into them and you may die in them.


But, now, I come with a whip in My hands and with this whip, I will beat down the nations. For, they have perverted My everlasting covenant, the very covenant, which I made with My people long ago. For, I am your husband, oh your harlot nations of My House of Israel; yet you have forsaken Me and you have whored yourselves with every foul and corrupt thing.

Now, I have laid the rod to the stone and I have made a fire in My house and this fire will not be extinguished until I have purified every one, who is My Bride. For, I have brought forth an everlasting fire, an all-consuming fire, and this fire is I. It is of Me, an all-consuming fire. And, this fire is going to burn away all dross. This fire is going to burn away all harshness and all darkness until My Bride is holy and pure and clean before Me. For, I will have no filthy Bride. I will have no worldly Bride. I will have no haughty Bride. I will have no vain Bride. I will have no Bride, who loves the world and what is in it. I will have no bride, who is a whore. I will have no Bride, who has a wandering eye.

Yes, I have determined it. I have laid the rod to the stone and I have ignited a great fire, a holy fire and this fire is I and I am this fire, a holy fire, of Me, in Me and for Me; and this fire is My Holy Son. And, only one in this whole earth now carries My Holy Son, this one is My First Son, My First Born, My true wife and my first wife.

Yet, who wants to walk in her shoes, for she is persecuted and tormented year after year, while the rest of you either await and hope for the holy, little babes from heaven to come down, that you may receive one and thereby also become My Son and my Wife; and you are few; or you mock and scoff what you neither believe, nor understand. But, the sad truth is that so few of you are even ready to receive these holy sons. So, I have waited and My wife, the mother of My Son in the earth, has continued to travail and suffer.

But, I stand upon My word and I bear witness of the truth of My own words to you, that I will not continue to require this of her. For, she suffers in great travail from day to day, while you behave as you do!

I am going to grind down the corn fields. I am going to drown and destroy the wheat fields. I am going to break your financial backbone, oh you wicked nation of America; and I am going to scatter your wealth among other nations. I am going to cut you off, oh America; for you have been blessed above all nations, yet you have polluted the minds and hearts of the people the world over with your perversions and with your filth. I am going to bear down on you, oh your perverted nation of America and I am going to strip you down.

How close you have been to another 911 event, which would have brought you to your knees, oh you wayward nation! And, by now, you would have been filling up the camps. Yes, at the last moment, I intervened to stop such great destruction, yet it could have already come to pass, with more than three nuclear plants destroyed and six dams. Who intervened to help you? I did, and only because of My mercies towards you, to give you a little more time. Only I could have stopped Satan and his wicked hoards from proceeding.

How long do you think that you have, oh you wicked nation of America? I tell you that my great judgment is sweeping across the land; and most of you cannot see it.
Oh, Father, what is that? It seemed that You spit in the heartland of America and there came a great swirling, like a cyclone? What is that?

My Little One, be not troubled by what you see. Just know that I am now placing a period at the end of this sentence, a period, and not a question mark. My great judgments upon this land are progressing and unmistakable.

Be at peace, My Little One. Be not troubled by all that you see and by all that you suffer and experience; for Satan is very wroth with you. He hates you greatly, but I am always with you to bless you, to protect you, and to provide for you.


I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 5th day of July, 2011,
Linda Newkirk

Repent daily and follow the will of the Father: HIS commandments, statutes, decrees.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

“Judgment Begins in the House of the Lord”


Below is an excerpt from Book 12, chapter 78 of Linda Newkirk on the messages of the LORD. about the judgment falling on America and Canada.

My Blessed Child, I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Little One, you have come seeking Me, if there is a word, or if there is anything that I would give you to write, or to send out to My people.
My Little One, you know that I have held you back. I have closed your mouth tight and I have sealed it, that you utter not, neither show not to the world, the many visions that I have given to you.
Yet, My Little One, I know that your heart travails, that you suffer in despair for all of My great judgments, which are falling upon America. But, My Little One, have I not called you and have I not sent you forth with warnings for My people, to repent, or perish. Even for more than a decade, I have given you such warnings and I have called a few, here and there, to take up the torch of My word and to help spread such warnings, even My Son, Mark, who, alone, and through his own efforts, has electronically mailed to millions of people, and to untold numbers of churches all over America and Canada, these very messages of repentance. Yet, My Child, you know how those in the churches have mocked and scorned at these messages; and you know how others have risen up against him to shut down his computers and servers, over and over again. For, they were wroth at him because of My warnings.
And, you know how you both have wept and prayed and travailed in your spirits, in your hearts and souls, because of the gross decadence in these two nations, because the people are blind and deaf spiritually. The churches are full of rot and filth and the preachers will not tell the people to repent; for they, themselves, will not repent.
My Blessed Child, what is My word for such a dark and evil nation? What is My word for America, whom I have made great above all nations, yet you, oh nation of America, have loved the world, and not Me. You have fallen, oh you nation of America! You have fallen to every evil and cunning trick of Lucifer; for you refuse the Way of Truth, the Way of Light, the Way of Life; and I am that WAY. There is none other.
Now, as My judgments roll across this nation, as My great judgments pummel the putrid churches in the Bible Belt of the USA, how many are the wiser?
Still, you rotten preachers serve up your filth to Me! You serve up your spiritually dead meat to Me! You waddle in your decadence and in your abundance of things of this world and of the flesh and still you will not cause My people to repent. I shall destroy you, oh you decadent churches in the Bible Belt of the USA. For, your flesh is rotten and your bones are rotten. You are blind, deaf, and you are the spiritually dead, who lead the spiritually dead.
What is your excuse? You spiritually decadent churches in the Bible Belt have fed yourselves well from the fat of the land and you have heaped unto yourselves all that money could buy. Furthermore, you have polluted yourselves with the prideful and vain things of the world. Oh, how you have lifted up yourselves, oh you harlot daughter; for you cry, “Lord, Lord,” and you boast of yourselves in your big and spiritually vacant churches; but I know you not!
Now, to you wicked preachers, who pride yourselves in your wicked churches, hear Me and hear Me well; for I shall thoroughly purge you until you repent, or until I clean remove you from My sight. For, you unrepentant harlots shall be seen on one day and the next day, you will be gone. You have not seen the extent of your destruction, oh you rotten, whorehouses in the Bible Belt of the USA, who do indeed call yourselves My people and who do indeed proclaim My word. But, you are dens of iniquity, full of evil and full of every perverse thing. My hammer of judgment is upon you and I shall further pummel you until I have clean removed you from My sight. For, I have sent My prophets among you to warn you to repent, or perish, and chief among these prophets has been My servant, Linda Newkirk, but you laugh her to scorn. You mock her, ridicule her, blaspheme her, and spread every lie about her. Now, I will judge you for your evils and for your falsehoods, for your vain and profane ways, until you will most certainly repent, and quickly so, or you will most certainly perish.
Hear Me, oh you bastard prophets, who are none of Mine. For, you run, but I do not send you! You proclaim words of Me and by Me yet I do not speak to you.
Hear Me, oh you bastard prophets, you sons and daughters of iniquity; for I have further blinded you. I have further deafened you and I have turned you over to the lying and deceiving spirits of Satan. For, to everyone of you, who has mocked the works of Revelation Twelve, which are on-going through My servant, Linda Newkirk, and who has not repented, but continue to mock the truths of these works, know one thing and know it well, I have turned you over to lying spirits, oh you lying, mocking and scorning prophets, who are none of Mine! For, I have cut you off clean and if you ever did hear from Me, be warned that you no longer do. For, I will not allow you to taste the fruits of My Kingdom and you will perish in your lies and in your witchcrafts. For, you refused to seek Me for truth and understanding regarding My Kingdom works of Revelation Twelve, but chose instead to believe lies. Therefore, I have turned you over to lying spirits, oh you lying prophets; and few there remain of you, who write and speak the truth.
This is but one reason that I have held back My words through My servant, Linda Newkirk, that the greatest numbers of you, who love a lie, might further fall to the lies of your own choosing and making. For, I have cut off all liars and deceivers and you have no place in My kingdom.
Hear Me, oh you perverts, you adulterers, you sodomites, you whores, you whoremongers, you lovers of porn and lovers of flesh, who have filled My house with perversions. Your place is in the burning flames of hell. And, in the midst of your great evils, I shall cut you off unawares, and without so much as a moment’s notice, I shall cast you headlong into the burning flames of hell. For, I have pleaded with you. I have warned you to repent, or perish.
Now, and even at hand is your time of great judgment, oh you harlot nation of America. But, even so My great judgment begins in My own house. And, where, in this nation of America, are there more churches, wherein the people claim to serve Me, than in the Bible Belt of the South? See My handiwork? ( the great rains and floods in southern USA in the spring of 2011) This is my judgment; for I am now purging this filth from before My very eyes!
Send this to them, My Little One; for I am wroth with My own house; and I am wroth with this nation. I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 24th day of May, 2011,
Linda Newkirk
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Very Useful Home Tips

VERY GOOD HOME TIPS., making your life less stressful.

Thanks Bobby for sharing.