Sunday, February 28, 2010

Alexander McQueen

I lost my mother when she was 47 only, at the time I was 27. I grieved for the loss for two years. I thought I would never be able to recover. It was a mixed emotion of the feeling that I had never showed her the love, by showing her through gestures like hugs, giving her something on birthdays and other occasions (I was not demonstrative) and the rewards she would have gotten by seeing her ten children successful and on their own, especially seeing a grandchild.

Second only to God, we owe our lives to our mother, of course, including our father.
The first commandment of God says Love God above all else. The fourth commandment says love and respect your parents.
This means our love for our parents is preceded by our love for God.
Grieving for a lost love is ok, but we still have God to comfort us. We have to move on.So, when I read the news about Alexander McQueen, a British fashion designer) who died from hanging himself, it is so sad. His attachment to his mother (who was buried the day after finding his body) was so great that he forgot about God’s loving comfort if he only sought it.